Résultats de la recherche - 383 results

Disparities in COVID-19 Vaccination in Belgium

a composite factor. The same indicators were calculated for the full Belgian population for comparison purposes. In a second step, a multilevel approach was considered by fitting hierarchical logistic ...

Healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use in Belgian acute care hospitals: Comparison of the 2017 and 2022 point prevalence survey results

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Katrien Latour; Pearcy, Morgan; Boudewijn Catry; Lucy Catteau Source: ECDC HAI-Net network meeting at the AMR Conference of the Belgian Presidency, European Centre for Disease Preven ...

A One-Health approach to monitoring antimicrobial consumption in Belgium 2012-2021

(AMR), necessitating a unified “One Health” approach to combat this global threat. Shared metrics enhance intersectoral comparisons and coordination.  This study compares AMC in the Belgian human (hospital ...

Nutri-Score 2023 update

was updated to better align with food-based dietary guidelines (FBDG s) across countries engaged in the system. On the basis of a comparison of FBDG s and literature reviews with the current Nutri-Score ...

Policy brief Belgian EBCP Mirror Group- patient and citizen engagement

their disease-specific community. Inequalities can only be tackled if they are properly identified. This requires the definition of appropriate determinants fit for (inter)national comparison and ...

A systematic review of studies that estimated the burden of chronic non-communicable rare diseases using disability-adjusted life years

hampers comparisons across burden of CNCRD  studies. Health Topics:  Burden of disease Fardeau de la maladie Ziektelast Rare diseases Maladies rares Zeldzame ziekten Service:  Information sanitaire ...

Evaluation of an electrochemical sensor and comparison with spectroscopic approaches as used today in practice for harm reduction in a festival setting—A case study: Analysis of 3,4‐methylenedioxymethamphetamine samplesAbstract

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Eric Deconinck; Polet, Marie A.; Canfyn, Michael; Duchateau, Céline; De Braekeleer, Kris; Van Echelpoel, Robin; De Wael, Karolien; Gremeaux, Lies; Degreef, Maarten; Balcaen, Margot Source: Drug T ...

Policy Brief – Survivorship is cancer survivorship the poor cousin of cancer control within the EBCP?

the actions supporting survivorship (care) developments, then compared their weight in the EBCP to the other domains of cancer control. Following this analysis, and comparison with related ongoing ...

Assessing mental health from registry data: What is the best proxy?

included. We assessed correlation using Spearman’s rho (SR), and agreement using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). We also calculated the limits of agreement (LOA s) for each comparison. HIS ...

Evaluation of an electrochemical sensor and comparison with spectroscopic approaches as used today in practice for harm reduction in a festival setting-A case study: Analysis of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine samples

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Eric Deconinck; Polet, Marie A.; Michael Canfyn; Céline Duchateau; Kris De Braekeleer; Robin Van Echelpoel; Karolien De Wael; L. Gremeaux; Maarten Degreef; Margot Balcaen Source: Drug Test Anal ( ...

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