Résultats de la recherche - 3959 results

Understanding sexual transmission dynamics and transmission contexts of monkeypox virus: a mixed-methods study of the early outbreak in Belgium (May–June 2022)

infectious diseases Manuscript versions:  DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1136/sextrans-2022-055601 File:  Version:  Published Full text access:  Public Access Full text language:  English Category:  A1 A1 FOS ...

Factors underlying COVID-19 booster vaccine uptake among fully vaccinated adults in Belgium

Van Loenhout Source: Scientific Seminar Infectious Diseases, Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium (2023) Keywords: Booster COVID-19 vaccination previous infection vaccine uptake Abstract: Background To tackle ...

A new data collection system for Epilabo: the network of sentinel laboratories

Cauteren Source: Scientific Seminar Infectious Diseases, Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium (2023) Keywords: Data collection Data linkage Digital health Laboratory network Pandemic preparedness Abstract: ...

Towards a new (H)ERA: Developments to strengthen infectious diseases surveillance and pandemic preparedness

Diseases (2023) Keywords: bioinformatics Infectious diseases national reference centres for human microbiology Pandemic preparedness public health Surveillance Abstract: In order to achieve pandemic ...

Prevalence and incidence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among healthcare workers in Belgian hospitals before vaccination: a prospective cohort studyObjectivesDesignSettingParticipantsOutcome measuresResultsConclusionsTrial registration number

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Laure Mortgat; Kristien Verdonck; Veronik Hutse; Isabelle Thomas; Cyril Barbezange; Heyndrickx, Leo; Nathalie Fischer; Vuylsteke, Bea; Ines Kabouche; Ariën, Kevin K; I Desombere; Els Duysburgh So ...

Epidemiologische surveillance van poliomyelitis. Poliovirus & niet-polio enterovirussen 2019-2021

Epidemiology of infectious diseases Manuscript versions:  File:  Version:  Published Full text access:  Public Access Full text language:  Dutch Category:  Scientific reports, recommendations, guidance ...

Epidemiological surveillance of poliomyelitis. Poliovirus & non-polio enteroviruses 2019-2021

Poliomyelitis (polio) Service:  Épidémiologie des maladies infectieuses Epidemiologie van infectieziekten Epidemiology of infectious diseases Manuscript versions:  File:  Version:  Published Full text access:  ...

Surveillance épidémiologique de la coqueluche. Bordetella pertussis- 2021

maladies infectieuses Epidemiologie van infectieziekten Epidemiology of infectious diseases Manuscript versions:  File:  Version:  Published Full text access:  Public Access Full text language:  French ...

Epidemiologische surveillance van kinkhoest. Bordetella pertussis- 2021

Bordetella pertussis Pertussis Fièvre du nil occidental Service:  Épidémiologie des maladies infectieuses Epidemiologie van infectieziekten Epidemiology of infectious diseases Manuscript versions:  File:  ...

COVID-19 mortality, excess mortality, deaths per million and infection fatality ratio, Belgium, 9 March 2020 to 28 June 2020

Gezondheidsinformatie Health information Épidémiologie des maladies infectieuses Epidemiologie van infectieziekten Epidemiology of infectious diseases Manuscript versions:  DOI:  ...

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