Résultats de la recherche - 685 results
The contribution of cacao consumption to the bioaccessible dietary cadmium exposure in the Belgian population
cacao-related dietary Cd exposure in the Belgian population was estimated with higher resolution and accounting for bioaccessibility. A food frequency questionnaire and a 24-hour recall (N=2055) were set up for ...
Effect of neuraminidase inhibitor (oseltamivir) treatment on outcome of hospitalised influenza patients, surveillance data from 11 EU countries, 2010 to 2020.
estimate the adjusted odds ratio (aOR) for in-hospital death in patients treated with NAI s vs not treated.ResultsOf 19,937 patients, 31% received NAI s within 48 hours of hospital admission. Older age ...
Potential business model for a European vaccine R&D infrastructure and its estimated socio-economic impact
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Jungbluth, Stefan; Martin, William; Slezak, Monika; Depraetere, Hilde; Guzman, Carlos A.; Ussi, Anton; Morrow, David; Van Heuverswyn, Fran; Arnouts, Sven; Carrondo, Manuel J. T.; Olesen, Ole; Ott ...
SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and determinants for salivary seropositivity among pupils and school staff: a prospective cohort study
estimating equations. A cluster random sample was selected with allocation by region and sociodemographic (SES) background. Surveys and saliva samples were collected in December 2020, March, and June 2021, and ...
Aluminium intake through the consumption of selected baby foods and risk characterization in a population of Brazilian infants aged 0 to 36 months
from selected baby foods was estimated for Brazilian infants from the Sao Paulo State by means of a deterministic and a probabilistic estimation. The deterministic exposure assessment was carried out by ...
Inequalities in mortality associated with housing conditions in Belgium between 1991 and 2020
associated with increased mortality. Our objective is to investigate the association between housing inequality and increased mortality in Belgium and to estimate the number of deaths that could be prevented ...
Daily heart rate characteristics, allergy symptom severity and mood in adults with allergic rhinitis
acute, daily changing factors that could underlie these cardiac alterations. Aim: To estimate associations between daily heart rate characteristics (i.e. resting heart rate, autocorrelation and sample ...
Methodological choices in brucellosis burden of disease assessments: A systematic review
A systematic search for brucellosis burden of disease calculations was conducted in pre-selected international and grey literature databases. Using a standardized reporting framework, we evaluated each estimate ...
Estimates of people who injected drugs within the last 12 months in Belgium- presentation
://www.lisbonaddictions.eu/lisbon-addictions-2022/presentations/1-estimates-people-who-injected-drugs-within-last-12-months-belgium Abstract: Estimates of people who inject drugs (PWID) are crucial to ensure that dedicated services are adequately ...
Evaluating methodological approaches to assess the severity of infection with SARS-CoV-2 variants: scoping review and applications on Belgian COVID-19 data.
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) variants may result in altered virulence characteristics. Assessing the disease severity caused by newly emerging variants is essential to estimate their impact on public ...