Résultats de la recherche - 685 results

Gender gaps in life expectancy and expected years with activity limitations at age 50 in the European Union: associations with macro-level structural indicators.

Eurostat life table’s data from the Statistics of Income and Living Conditions Survey to estimate gender differences in life expectancy with and without activity limitations at age 50 for 2005. We studied ...

Dietary cadmium intake by the Belgian adult population.

Food Analysis Food Contamination Humans middle aged NUTRITION SURVEYS Plant Tubers Risk Assessment Solanum tuberosum Young adult Abstract: The aim of this study was to estimate the dietary cadmium (Cd) ...

Estimation of the dissociation rate of unlabelled ligand-receptor complexes by a 'two-step' competition binding approach.

property. The dissociation rate of unlabelled ligand-receptor complexes can be estimated indirectly from their ability to slow the association of subsequently added radioligand molecules. EXPERIMENTAL ...

Estimate of total salt intake in two regions of Belgium through analysis of sodium in 24-h urine samples.

twice as high as the recommended intake. Salt intake as estimated from 24-h urine collections is substantially higher than that previously calculated on the basis of food consumption data. A salt ...

Projected reduction in healthcare costs in Belgium after optimization of iodine intake: impact on costs related to thyroid nodular disease.

morbidity (hyperthyroidism). METHODS: For the estimation of direct, indirect, medical, and nonmedical costs related to thyroid nodular diseases in Belgium, data from the Federal Public Service of Public Health, Food Chain ...

Monitoring of all-cause mortality in Belgium (Be-MOMO): a new and automated system for the early detection and quantification of the mortality impact of public health events.

air pollution and influenza. Baselines and thresholds for deaths by gender, age group, day and week are estimated by the method of Farrington et al. (J R Stat Soc Ser A, 159:547-563, 1996). By adding ...

Estimate of intake of sulfites in the Belgian adult population.

Factual Diet Female Food Analysis Food Preservatives Humans Male middle aged NUTRITION SURVEYS Sulfites Wine Young adult Abstract: An exposure assessment was performed to estimate the usual daily intake of ...

Energy and macronutrient intakes in Belgium: results from the first National Food Consumption Survey.

sixty food items. The database of consumed food items was linked to food composition data. Usual macronutrient intake was estimated by the Nusser method. A representative sample of the Belgian population ...

A new statistical method for evaluating long-term analytical performance of laboratories applied to an external quality assessment scheme for flow cytometry.

past 3 years. This study aims to develop a method to find laboratories with aberrant variability or bias using robust techniques and to obtain robust estimates of the variability. METHODS: A method is ...

Empirical models for dosage optimization of four beta-lactams in critically ill septic patients based on therapeutic drug monitoring of amikacin91

of AMK combined with piperacillin/tazobactam, ceftazidime, cefepime or meropenem. A multivariate analysis was performed to predict the beta-lactam PK using AMK PK parameters estimated from TDM and ...

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