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Résultats de la recherche - 158 results

Historical aspects of iodine deficiency control.

are not included in the current estimation of the Global Burden Disease related to iodine deficiency. Severe iodine deficiency as a public health problem is now largely under control worldwide, but can ...

Persistence of antimicrobial resistance in respiratory streptococci.

estimating equation (GEE) approach. The link function was adjusted to acknowledge that the proportion of resistant isolates in the population not treated with antibiotics [baseline resistance (BR)] is not ...

Health and economic burden of Campylobacter

surveillance systems, to generate estimates of the health and economic impact of the concerned foodborne disease. In this Chapter, we review methods for quantifying the health and economic impact of ...

The added value of food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) information to estimate the usual food intake based on repeated 24-hour recalls

did not improve the estimation of the higher percentiles of the usual intake distribution. However, taking into account this FFQ information improved the estimation of the lower percentiles of the usual ...

Disability Weights for Chronic Mercury Intoxication Resulting from Gold Mining Activities: Results from an Online Pairwise Comparisons Survey.

mining, mercury is used for gold-extraction, putting miners and nearby residents at risk of chronic metallic mercury vapor intoxication (CMMVI). Burden of disease (BoD) analyses allow the estimation of the ...

Cost-effectiveness of screening for active cases of tuberculosis in Flanders, Belgium.

cost-effectiveness of the tuberculosis screening activities currently funded by the Flemish government in Flanders, Belgium. METHODS: After estimating the expenses for 2013-2014 of each of nine screening components — ...

Letter to the editor: New metrics to monitor progress towards global HIV targets: using the estimated number of undiagnosed HIV-infected individuals as denominator.

Abstract: To the editor: Recently, Pharris et al. presented an important analysis of the current HIV situation in the European Union/European Economic Area (EU / EEA), focussing on the estimates produced by ...

Ambient Air Pollution-related Mortality in Dairy Cattle: Does It Corroborate Human Findings?

and the corresponding estimates for a 10 μg/m increase in same-day (lag 0) PM10 and NO2 were 1.6% (95% CI = 0.0%, 3.1%) and 9.2% (95% CI = 6.3%, 12%), respectively. Compared with the acute increases, ...

Retrospective study of human cystic echinococcosis over the past decade in France, using a nationwide hospital medical information database.

retrospective analysis of hospital records provides a population-based estimate of cystic echinococcosis incidence and trends over a 10-year period at a national level. It indicates a significant decrease of the ...

Regional differences in the validity of self-reported use of health care in Belgium: selection versus reporting bias.

with register-based data from the Belgian compulsory health insurance (BCHI). The latter were compared with similar estimates from a random sample of the BCHI to investigate the selection bias. Outcome ...

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