Résultats de la recherche - 90 results
Comparison of Salmonella enteritidis phage types isolated from layers and humans in Belgium in 2005.
Stede, Yves Source: Foodborne Pathog Dis, Volume 8, Issue 8, p.929-34 (2011) Keywords: Animals Bacteriophage Typing Bacteriophages Belgium Chickens Female Humans Poultry Diseases Salmonella enteritidis ...
Novel norovirus recombinants and of GII.4 sub-lineages associated with outbreaks between 2006 and 2010 in Belgium36558
diversity electronic epidemic epidemiology Faculty Feces foodborne outbreaks Gain Gastroenteritis gene Genetic Genetic Variation genetics Genotype Human Humans i im Infectious investigation IS isolation & ...
Het belang van Norovirusdetectie in collectieve gastro-enteritisuitbraken: van diagnose tot desinfectie van de besmettingshaard
100, Brussel, Belgium, p.96- 100 (2011) ISBN: D/2011/2505/12 Keywords: de gastro-enteritisuitbraken Norovirus outbreak Service: Foodborne pathogens Pathogènes alimentaires Voedselpathogenen Category: ...
Importance of Norovirus in reported collective gastro-enteritis outbreaks in Belgium
of European Microbiologists, FEMS, Volume 4, Issue FEMS, Number 148, Geneve, p.148- 148 (2011) Keywords: Belgium Congresses European Gastroenteritis Norovirus outbreak outbreaks Health Topics: Food ...
Investigation of foodborne and institutional Norovirus outbreaks
Keywords: investigation Norovirus outbreak outbreaks Service: Foodborne pathogens Pathogènes alimentaires Voedselpathogenen Category: C31 ...
The role of food handlers in food-borne outbreaks
of Public Health, Brussels, Belgium (2011) Keywords: food foodborne outbreaks outbreak outbreaks Role Workshop Health Topics: Food consumption and food safety Consommation et sécurité alimentaires ...
Investigation of food borne outbreaks
Keywords: food investigation outbreak outbreaks Service: Foodborne pathogens Pathogènes alimentaires Voedselpathogenen Category: C31 ...
Nationaal referentielaboratorium voedseltoxi-infecties, antimicrobiële resistentie voan zoönotische kiemen levensmiddelenmicrobiologie en tweekleppige weekdieren, jaarverslag 2010
Belgium, p.36 (2011) Keywords: 2010 EN food foodborne outbreaks ISO methods meetings Service: Foodborne pathogens Pathogènes alimentaires Voedselpathogenen ...
Reported foodborne outbreaks due to noroviruses in Belgium: the link between food and patient investigations in an international context
EPIDEMIOLOGICAL epidemiology Faculty food Food Contamination Food Handling Food Microbiology Food Safety Foodborne Diseases foodborne outbreaks Foods Gastroenteritis genetics Genotype history Humans im ...
Drastic decrease of Salmonella Enteritidis isolated from humans in Belgium in 2005, shift in phage types and influence on foodborne outbreaks.
(incidence and trends) of human salmonellosis in Belgium and assess the role of the vaccination programme in layer flocks on the decline of the incidence of human salmonellosis and foodborne outbreaks due to ...