Résultats de la recherche - 58 results
Unravelling COVID-19 social mortality patterns using conditional inference tree algorithm
mortality underlying the importance of implementing preventive measures, particularly within the most vulnerable populations, in infectious disease pandemic preparedness. Key messages • Living in ...
Contextual factors influencing the equitable implementation of precision medicine in routine cancer care in Belgium
implementation of precision medicine in Belgium for incorporating precision medicine into routine cancer care within the Belgian health system. Methods As part of a foresight study, our approach evaluates critical ...
Galaxy @Sciensano: a comprehensive bioinformatics portal for genomics-based microbial typing, characterization, and outbreak detection.
was implemented using Galaxy, an open-source platform for data analysis and workflow creation. The Galaxy @Sciensano instance is available to both internal and external scientists and offers a wide ...
EU Oncology Decision Support Tool concept (CAN.HEAL Deliverable 10.1)
on oncology decision support tools (oncDSTs) within the CAN. HEAL project under the EU4H ealth Programme. It introduces the EU-oncDST concept, a digital framework that facilitates the implementation ...
Could a ring treatment approach be proposed to control Taenia solium transmission in a post elimination setting? A pilot study in Zambia.
active T. solium transmission was achieved. All eligible pigs and people were sampled, at 4- to 6-monthly intervals, followed by implementation of the ring treatment approach. This implied that whenever ...
Impact of the 2020 EUCAST ‘I’ definition on the treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections: A national multicentric observational study in Belgian hospitals. 33rd International Congress of Antimicrobia
for wild-type Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections during a six-month period pre- and post-implementation of the newEUCAST definitions. Collected data included epidemiological, microbiological, clinical, ...
Health information system assessments: Opportunities for international collaboration
systems’. To serve project objectives, the original top-down Support Tool was modified and implemented in a peer-to-peer approach among project countries. InfAct and PHIRI conducted 9 country peer-assessments ...
NATIONAL SURVEILLANCE OF SARS-COV-2 IN WASTEWATER- How does WBE contribute to the global epidemiologic assessment in Belgium? (September 2020 – 2024)
in this work demonstrate that satisfying correlation levels were observed at the implementation and running stages of the present surveillance, which were used as a proof of concept for validating our ...
A survey of the representativeness and usefulness of wastewater-based surveillance systems in 10 countries across Europe in 2023
were mostly in the early stages, with some countries implementing pilots. Notable exceptions were the well-established poliovirus surveillance systems in Finland, Italy and the Netherlands. This study ...
Nationwide quality assurance of high-throughput diagnostic molecular testing during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: role of the Belgian National Reference Centre.
in Belgium, UZ / KU Leuven has played a crucial role as the National Reference Centre (NRC) for respiratory pathogens, to be the first Belgian laboratory to develop and implement laboratory developed ...