Résultats de la recherche - 22 results

QuilA-Adjuvanted T. gondii Lysate Antigens Trigger Robust Antibody and IFNγ+ T Cell Responses in Pigs Leading to Reduction in Parasite DNA in Tissues Upon Challenge InfectionImage

pregnant women. The consumption of raw or undercooked pork is considered as an important risk factor to develop toxoplasmosis in humans. Since effective therapeutic interventions to treat toxoplasmosis are ...

If I tweet will you cite later? Follow-up on the effect of social media exposure on article downloads and citationsAbstractObjectivesMethodsResultsConclusions

a social media exposure intervention did not have an effect on article downloads and citations. In this paper, we investigate whether longer observation time after exposure to a social media intervention has ...

Potential impact of reduced tobacco use on life and health expectancies in Belgium

Boshuizen; Brecht Devleesschauwer Source: International Journal of Public Health, Volume 65, Issue 2, Number 138 (2020) Keywords: DYNAMO-HIA Healthy Life Years SMOKING smoking intervention unhealthy life years ...

Les trajets de soins diabète de type 2 et insuffisance rénale chronique et la qualité des soins (EVACQ)

de la fonction rénale définie par ≥ 3 ml/min/1,73 m²/an dans une cohorte similaire. Conclusion générale Le programme « trajet de soins » de l’ INAMI qui comporte une intervention complexe s’est révélé ...

Socioeconomic factors contributing to under-five mortality in sub-Saharan Africa: a decomposition analysis

interventions aiming at improving child survival in all subgroups of a population. Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen ...

Improving Burden of Disease and Source Attribution Estimates

intervention strategies and preventing and reducing the burden of diseases in a population. This chapter outlines areas of improvement that would lead to improved estimates including enhancing foodborne disease ...

Generating the evidence for risk reduction: a contribution to the future of food-based dietary guidelines.

research question. Explicit definitions of study questions should include participants, interventions/exposure, comparisons, outcomes and study design. Such type of meta-analyses should not only focus on ...

Barriers and opportunities for return-to-work of cancer survivors: time for action--rapid review and expert consultation.

professionals regarding barriers of RTW may improve the early identification of cancer survivors at risk for prolonged time to RTW and may allow early supportive intervention. Social and employment policies ...

National surveillance of nosocomial infections in neonatal intensive care units in Belgium (Neo-KISS)

intensive care intensive care unit intensive care units intervention interventions IS IT M method methods Monitoring morbidity mortality national NEONATAL neonatology nosocomial nosocomial infection ...

A targeted proteomics method to detect urinary biomarkers of kidney disease

blood Carbon care Categories chronic Clinical conference Creatinine detection Diagnosis disease Diseases effect effects Evolution factors general general population General-population intervention IS ...

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