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Résultats de la recherche - 300 results

How to report central line-associated bloodstream infections in surveillance? A comparison of three classifications in Belgium.

CLABSI incidence and trends.   Materials/methods: To be considered as CLABSI in the Belgian bloodstream infection surveillance, a CLABSI must first meet the surveillance definition for hospital-associated ...

Risk assessment of florists’ Exposure to insecticide residues during normal professional tasks

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Toumi,K.; Laure Joly; Christiane Vleminckx; Schiffers,B. Source: SETAC 2017 Europe 27th Annual Meeting (2017) Service:  ...

The BBEMG research program- A multidisciplinary approach in studying long-term effects of ELF-EMF

2018, Issue Joint meeting EBEA/BEMS, Portorož, Slovenia (2018) Keywords: Cytogenetic biomonitoring Occupational Exposure Abstract: Introduction Despite numerous studies conducted to date, the potential ...

Do more people in Europe need treatment for problems related to cocaine use? An analysis of cocaine treatment demand in 10 Western European countries

  Following a recent annual European meeting on drug treatment demand, a group of experts from nine countries (Belgium, France, Germany, The Republic of Ireland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, ...

Encompassing new use cases- level 3.0 of the HUPO-PSI format for molecular interactions.

Molecular Interaction workgroup of the HUPO- PSI has extended the existing, well-used XML interchange format for molecular interaction data to meet new use cases and enable the capture of new data types, ...

Evaluation of OCBAR testing of recombinant vaccine at bulk monovalent stage

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: L. Tesolin Source: OMCL annual meeting (2021) Health Topics:  Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and health ...

O-acetyl content testing in meningoccocal vaccine from an OMCL perspective

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: L. Tesolin; Wim Van Molle Source: OMCL annual meeting (2019) Health Topics:  Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines ...

Determination of Hib-TT Molecular Size Distribution: case study

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: L. Tesolin; Christina von Hunolstein Source: WHO 1st NCLs Annual Meeting, India, Issue WHO (2017) Health Topics:  ...

HEXACIMA/HEXYON/HEXAXIM trade mark: OOS Hib PRP, investigation update and final outcome

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: L. Tesolin; Valérian Bunel Source: OMCL annual meeting (2017) Health Topics:  Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines ...

Capturing respiratory syncytial virus season in Belgium using the influenza severe acute respiratory infection surveillance network, season 2018/19.

allowed, so patients without fever but meeting the other case definition criteria could be included in the surveillance.ResultsBetween weeks 40 2018 and 2 2019, we received 508 samples from SARI patients. We ...

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