Résultats de la recherche - 1996 results

How to report central line-associated bloodstream infections in surveillance? A comparison of three classifications in Belgium.

CLABSI incidence and trends.   Materials/methods: To be considered as CLABSI in the Belgian bloodstream infection surveillance, a CLABSI must first meet the surveillance definition for hospital-associated ...

Comparison of Droplet Digital PCR and qPCR for the Quantification of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli in Bovine Feces.

PCR (qPCR), which has its specific limitations. Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) has been proposed as a method to overcome many of the drawbacks of qPCR. This end-point amplification PCR is capable of ...

Analyseren van duizenden druppels – Voedselveiligheidsrisico’s detecteren met droplet PCR

referentiemateriaal achterwege kan blijven. Zeker nu monsters gemakkelijker kunnen worden verdeeld in zeer kleine deeltjes of druppeltjes neemt de populariteit van deze methode toe bij het detecteren van pathogenen en ...

Impact of tobacco control interventions on health expectancies: use of dynamic modelling for health impact assessment in Belgium

(HLY), total life expectancy (LE), and unhealthy life years (ULY). Methods: Data on smoking and disability from participants of the 2013 Health Interview Survey in Belgium were used to estimate smoking and ...

Development of a generic and open source Incidence-Prevalence-Mortality model for the assessment of chronic disease epidemiology

optimization procedure called the Nelder-Mead method was employed in order to accept more inputs. This was done through the fminsearch() function of the neldermead package. Likewise, in order to make the values ...

Biodiversity and human health: mechanisms and evidence of the positive health effects of diversity in nature and green spaces.

developed methods are needed to quantify short- and long-term health effects of exposure to perceived and objectively measured species diversity, including health effects of nature-based solutions and ...

Occurrence of HBCDs, TBBPA, brominated phenols and their derivative in foodstuffs in Belgium

2014/118/ EU  on the monitoring of HFR s in food.  Due to the diverse nature of the considered HFR s, two analytical methods, based on gas chromatography in combination with electron capture negative ...

Method Validation – pesticides in food products

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Philippe Szternfeld Source: Workshop EURL-pesticides AO training 2017 (2017) Service:  Contaminants organiques et additifs Organische contaminanten en additieven Organic contaminants ...

The ageing population: in-vivo study on the effect of age on cardiovascular physiology

Method: The carotid distension in round 2 was determined for 515 participants using ultrasound measurements. Of these, 487 participants could be evaluated, using data from both rounds, to calculate the ...

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