Résultats de la recherche - 209 results

HIV-1 IN/Pol recruits LEDGF/p75 into viral particles.

a multimodal mechanism impacting early and late stage replication including HIV maturation. Furthermore, LEDGF /p75 has been identified as a Pol interaction partner. This raised the question whether LEDGF /p75 ...

Which high-risk HPV assays fulfil criteria for use in primary cervical cancer screening?

screening need to be identified. A systematic review was conducted to answer the question which hrHPV tests fulfil the criteria defined by an international expert team in 2009, based on reproducibility and ...

Assessing the validity of the Global Activity Limitation Indicator in fourteen European countries.

compare population health across countries. However, the comparability of the item has been questioned. This study aims to further validate the GALI in the adult European population. METHODS: Data from the ...

The use of serosurveys following emergency vaccination, to recover the status of "foot-and-mouth disease free where vaccination is not practised".

this. The question therefore remains whether tests are sufficiently sensitive and specific to detect and eliminate infected animals, without excessive culling of uninfected animals, before vaccinated ...

Molecular characterization of Belgian pseudorabies virus isolates from domestic swine and wild boar.

swine strains showed that some isolates with identical sequences were present within both populations, raising the question whether these strains represent an increased risk for reintroduction of the ...

Evaluation of viability-qPCR detection system on viable and dead Salmonella serovar Enteritidis.

observed on living S. Enteritidis at low concentration. Finally, the use of S. Enteritidis cells killed by processes altering or not the cell-wall/membrane gives us a clue to answering the question about the ...

Growth Differentiation Factor 11 is an encephalic regionalizing factor in neural differentiated mouse embryonic stem cells

patterning Cell cells developing GDF11 growth i identify IS KNOWLEDGE mechanism mechanisms methodology Mouse ES cells ON organization questions Receptor receptors regional Role Stem Cells System time Type ...

Metaprop: a Stata command to perform meta-analysis of binomial data.

have become an essential tool in synthesizing evidence on clinical and epidemiological questions derived from a multitude of similar studies assessing the particular issue. Appropriate and accessible ...

Discrete mechanisms of mTOR and cell cycle regulation by AMPK agonists independent of AMPK651

gliomas. Therefore, we questioned whether the antiproliferative actions of AICAR and metformin are AMPK independent. Both AMPK agonists inhibited proliferation, but through unique AMPK-independent mechanisms ...

Reliability and validity of a global question on self-reported chronic morbidity

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Johan Van der Heyden; De Bacquer, Dirk; Jean Tafforeau; Van Herck, Koen Source: Journal of Public Health, Volume 22, Issue 4, Number 380 (2014) Keywords: chronic condition health survey morbidity ...

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