Résultats de la recherche - 69 results

Methodology of the biological risk classification of animal pathogens in Belgium

knowledge will demand regular updating of classification lists. This paper describes the Belgian risk classification system and the methodology that was used for its peer-reviewed revision (with a focus on ...

Methodology of the biological risk classification of animal pathogens in Belgium

knowledge will demandregular updating of classificationlists. This paper describes the Belgian riskclassification system and the methodologythat was used for its peer-reviewed revision(with a focus on ...

Ligands, their receptors and... plasma membranes.

Bilayers Protein Structure, Secondary Receptors, Cell Surface Time Factors Abstract: Ligand-receptor interactions are customarily described by equations that apply to solutes. Yet, most receptors are present ...

Occurrence and relevance of filamentous fungi in respiratory secretions of patients with cystic fibrosis--a review36835

antibiotics and the use of corticosteroid treatments also facilitate fungal growth. An important fungal biota has been described in respiratory secretions of patients suffering from CF. Aspergillus fumigatus, ...

FMD vaccines: reflections on quality aspects for applicability in European disease control policy.

strict FMD biosecurity rules worked out by the FAO EUFMD and described in Council Directive 200⅜5/ EC. Making the experience related to vaccine QA / QC available to all countries will reduce the risk of an ...

The diversity of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae within and between herds using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis.

a herd compared to isolates from different herds and this for both restriction enzymes used. Since the described PFGE technique was shown to be highly discriminative and reproducible, it will be a helpful ...

An Alternative Method Validation Strategy for the European Decision 2002/657/EC

capability; Precision; SUMMARY The European decision 2002/657/ EC imposes that each analytical method used for official control of foodstuffs is validated. The methodologies described in the ISO 5725 and the ...

Salmonella contamination of pigs and pork in an integrated pig production system39

Veterinary Medicine young Abstract: This paper describes the monitoring of Salmonella in a closed pig production system in Belgium over a 2-year period. A sampling scheme including animal feeds and carcasses ...

Differential diagnosis of neurologically expressed disorders in Western European cattle.

epidemiological surveillance of bovine spongiform encephalopathy. A growing number of aetiologies are described in the scientific literature. The identification and centralised management of neurological disorders ...

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