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Filtres: Auteur is Suzannah D'Hooghe
Associations between the objective and perceived food environment and eating behavior in relation to socioeconomic status among adults in peri-urban settings: results from the CIVISANO study in Flanders, BelgiumAbstract,
, International Journal of Health Geographics, Jan-12-2024, Volume 23, Issue 1, (2024)
Determinants of food insecurity among adults residing in peri-urban municipal settings in Flanders, Belgium,
, BMC Public Health, Jan-12-2024, Volume 24, Issue 1, (2024)
Exploring the multiple dimensions of perceived food access in the local food environment in Flanders: Perceptions of adults in socioeconomically disadvantaged situations,
, Appetite, Jan-12-2024, Volume 203, (2024)
De rol van de perceptie t.o.v. de lokale omgeving voor actief transport van socio-economische kwetsbare inwoners van Herselt: Rapport betreffende interviews als onderdeel van het CIVISANO-onderzoeksproject,
, 1 September 2023, Brussels, Belgium, p.8, (2023)
De rol van de perceptie t.o.v. de lokale omgeving voor actief transport van socio-economische kwetsbare inwoners van Duffel: Rapport betreffende interviews als onderdeel van het CIVISANO-onderzoeksproject,
, 1 September 2023, Brussels, Belgium, p.8, (2023)
The role of the perceived environment for recreational walking among adults in socioeconomically disadvantaged situations: A study using walk-along interviews,
, SSM - Population Health, Jan-09-2023, Volume 23, (2023)
The CIVISANO protocol: a mixed-method study about the role of objective and perceived environmental factors on physical activity and eating behavior among socioeconomically disadvantaged adults,
, Archives of Public Health, 05-oct-2022, Volume 80, Issue 1, (2022)
Rapport CIVISANO-vragenlijst Duffel en Herselt,
, 06/2022, Brussels, Belgium, (2022)