Zoekresultaten - 70 results

Surveillance of Bloodstream Infections in Belgian Hospitals- Annual report 2023, Data up to and including 2022

S aureus (MRSA). While the NSIH- SEP register was the first national Healthcare-associated infection surveillance to migrate to the Healthdata environment in 2017, its actual tools for data collection and ...

Surveillance of Bloodstream Infections in Belgian Hospitals- Annual report 2023, Data up to and including 2022

prevalence of methicillin-resistant S aureus (MRSA). While the NSIH- SEP register was the first national Healthcare-associated infection surveillance to migrate to the Healthdata environment in 2017, its ...

Persistence of the Staphylococcus aureus epidemic European fusidic acid-resistant impetigo clone (EEFIC) in Belgium.

for impetigo. Health Topics:  Staphylococci and MRSA Stafylokokken en MRSA Staphylocoques et SARM Service:  Épidémiologie des maladies infectieuses Epidemiologie van infectieziekten Epidemiology of infectious ...

Whole-Genome Sequencing-Based Screening of MRSA in Patients and Healthcare Workers in Public Hospitals in Benin.

Staphylococcus aureus whole-genome sequencing. Abstract: Methicillin-resistant (MRSA) constitutes a serious public health concern, with a considerable impact on patients’ health, and substantial healthcare costs. ...

MRSA surveillance programmes worldwide: moving towards a harmonised international approach

Keywords: Antimicrobial resistance epidemiology Staphylococcus aureus Abstract: Multinational surveillance programmes for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are dependent on national ...

Epidemiology of the Staphylococcus aureus CA-MRSA USA300 in Belgium

Genotype Humans Infant Male Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus middle aged Phylogeny Staphylococcal Infections Young adult Abstract: The methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) sequence ...

Large diversity of linezolid-resistant isolates discovered in food-producing animals through linezolid selective monitoring in Belgium in 2019.

antibiotic used to treat human infections caused by MRSA and VRE. While linezolid is not licensed for food-producing animals, linezolid-resistant (LR) isolates have been reported in European countries, ...

NAuRA: Genomic Tool to Identify Staphylococcal Enterotoxins in Strains Responsible for FoodBorne Outbreaks.

Topics:  Food-borne illness Voedseltoxi-infecties (toxi-)infection alimentaire (TIA) Stafylokokken en MRSA Staphylocoques et SARM Staphylococci and MRSA Service:  Pathogènes alimentaires Voedselpathogenen ...

Genome Sequences of Livestock-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus spa Type t899 Strains Belonging to Three Different Sequence Types (ST398, ST9, and ST4034).

Microbiol Resour Announc, Volume 8, Issue 2 (2019) Abstract: Livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA- MRSA) is an emerging MRSA lineage rapidly evolving in the community. In this ...

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