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Filters: Auteur is Eveline Verleysen
Possible solutions to analytical challenges,
, Workshop: Physicochemical characterisation of nano-sized particles in food, 09/2019, (2019)
RF 16/6306 Implementation and validation of an analytical methodology to assess engineered nanomaterials in food additives Nanofood@,
, 2019, (2019)
Syllabus of the workshop physicochemical characterization of nano-sized particles in food,
, 2019, (2019)
Validation of single particle ICP-MS for routine sizing and quantification of the fraction of silver nanoparticles in E174 food addititves and confectionery products,
, IMEKOFOODS 4, sep 2019, Issue IMEKO, (2019)
Characterization of the nano-sized fraction of particles in food additives E174, E175 and E171,
, 2nd nano in Belgium workshop, 2018, Brussels, Belgium, (2018)
Characterization of the TiO2 E171 food additive,
, Toxicology Letters, Jan-10-2018, Volume 295, (2018)
Physical Characterization of Nanomaterials in Dispersion by Transmission Electron Microscopy in a Regulatory Framework,
, Physical characterization of nanomaterials in dispersion by transmission electron microscopy in a regulatory framework, 2015, Volume Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy. Applications to Nanomaterials, Issue 8, Number 270, Cham, p.21, (2015)
TEM and SP-ICP-MS analysis of the release of silver nanoparticles from decoration of pastry.,
, J Agric Food Chem, 2015 Apr 08, Volume 63, Issue 13, p.3570-8, (2015)
Genotoxicity evaluation of nanosized titanium dioxide, synthetic amorphous silica and multi-walled carbon nanotubes in human lymphocytes.,
, Toxicol In Vitro, 2014 Feb, Volume 28, Issue 1, p.60-9, (2014)
Measurement uncertainties of size, shape, and surface measurements using transmission electron microscopy of near-monodisperse, near-spherical nanoparticles,
, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Jan-01-2014, Volume 16492008221027594757410103241512943, Issue 133624524212031, (2014)
Quantitative characterization of aggregated and agglomerated titanium dioxide nanomaterials by transmission electron microscopy,
, Powder Technology, Jan-05-2014, Volume 258, (2014)
Semi-automatic size measurement of primary particles in aggregated nanomaterials by transmission electron microscopy,
, Powder Technology, Jan-07-2014, Volume 261, (2014)
Size measurement uncertainties of near-monodisperse, near-spherical nanoparticles using transmission electron microscopy and particle-tracking analysis,
, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Jan-10-2014, Volume 16, Issue 10, (2014)
Effects of lung exposure to carbon nanotubes on female fertility and pregnancy. A study in mice.,
, Reprod Toxicol, 2013 Nov, Volume 41, p.86-97, (2013)
Quantitative characterization of agglomerates and aggregates of pyrogenic and precipitated amorphous silica nanomaterials by transmission electron microscopy.,
, J Nanobiotechnology, 2012 Jun 18, Volume 10, p.24, (2012)