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Filters: Auteur is Nancy Roosens
Impact of DNA extraction on whole genome sequencing analysis for characterization and relatedness of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli isolates., Nouws, Stéphanie, Bogaerts Bert, Verhaegen Bavo, Denayer Sarah, Piérard Denis, Marchal Kathleen, Roosens Nancy, Vanneste Kevin, and De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J. , Sci Rep, 2020 09 04, Volume 10, Issue 1, (2020)
Isolation of Drug-Resistant Gallibacterium anatis from Calves with Unresponsive Bronchopneumonia, Belgium., Van Driessche, Laura, Vanneste Kevin, Bogaerts Bert, De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., Roosens Nancy, Haesebrouck Freddy, De Cremer Lieze, Deprez Piet, Pardon Bart, and Boyen Filip , Emerg Infect Dis, 2020 04, Volume 26, Issue 4, (2020)
A multiplex oligonucleotide ligation-PCR method for the genoserotyping of common Salmonella using a liquid bead suspension assay, Gand, Mathieu, Mattheus Wesley, Roosens Nancy, Dierick Katelijne, Marchal Kathleen, De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., and Bertrand Sophie , Food Microbiology, Jan-05-2020, Volume 87, (2020)
A new multiplex RT-qPCR method for the simultaneous detection and discrimination of Zika and chikungunya viruses, Broeders, Sylvia, Garlant Linda, Fraiture Marie-Alice, Vandermassen Els, Suin Vanessa, Vanhomwegen Jessica, Dupont-Rouzeyrol Myrielle, Rousset Dominique, Van Gucht Steven, and Roosens Nancy , International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Jan-03-2020, Volume 92, (2020)
Next-Generation Sequencing: An Eye-Opener for the Surveillance of Antiviral Resistance in Influenza, Van Poelvoorde, Laura, Saelens Xavier, Thomas Isabelle, and Roosens Nancy , Trends in Biotechnology, Jan-04-2020, Volume 38, Issue 4, (2020)
NGS for (Hemato-) Oncology in Belgium: Evaluation of Laboratory Performance and Feasibility of a National External Quality Assessment Program, Delcourt, Thomas, Vanneste Kevin, Soumali Mohamed Rida, Coucke Wim, Ghislain V, Hébrant Aline, Van Valckenborgh Els, De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., Roosens Nancy, Van de Walle P, et al. , Cancers, Jan-11-2020, Volume 12, Issue 11, (2020)
Perceived utility and feasibility of pathogen genomics for public health practice: a survey among public health professionals working in the field of infectious diseases, Belgium, 2019, Van Goethem, Nina, Struelens Marc J., De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., Roosens Nancy, Robert Annie, Quoilin Sophie, Van Oyen Herman, and Devleesschauwer Brecht , BMC Public Health, Jan-12-2020, Volume 20, Issue 1, (2020)
Perceived utility and feasibility of pathogen genomics for public health practice: a survey among public health professionals working in the field of infectious diseases, Belgium, 2019, Van Goethem, Nina, Struelens M. J., De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., Roosens Nancy, Robert A., Quoilin Sophie, Van Oyen Herman, and Devleesschauwer Brecht , BMC Public Health, Jan-12-2020, Volume 20, Issue 1, (2020)
A Practical Method to Implement Strain-Level Metagenomics-Based Foodborne Outbreak Investigation and Source Tracking in Routine., Buytaers, Florence E., Saltykova Assia, Denayer Sarah, Verhaegen Bavo, Vanneste Kevin, Roosens Nancy, Piérard Denis, Marchal Kathleen, and De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J. , Microorganisms, 2020 Aug 05, Volume 8, Issue 8, (2020)
Screening strategy targeting the presence of food enzyme-producing fungi in food enzyme preparations, Deckers, Marie, Vanneste Kevin, Winand Raf, Hendrickx Marijke, Becker Pierre, De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., Deforce Dieter, Fraiture Marie-Alice, and Roosens Nancy , Food Control, Jan-11-2020, Volume 117, (2020)
Selection of a Noninvasive Source of Human DNA Envisaging Genotyping Assays in Epidemiological Studies: Urine or Saliva?, Nauwelaerts, S., Van Geel D., Delvoye Maud, De Cremer Koen, Bernard Alfred, Roosens Nancy, and De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J. , Journal of Biomolecular Techniques : JBT, Jan-04-2020, Volume 31, Issue 1, (2020)
Strain-Level Metagenomic Data Analysis of Enriched In Vitro and In Silico Spiked Food Samples: Paving the Way towards a Culture-Free Foodborne Outbreak Investigation Using STEC as a Case Study., Saltykova, Assia, Buytaers Florence E., Denayer Sarah, Verhaegen Bavo, Piérard Denis, Roosens Nancy, Marchal Kathleen, and De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J. , Int J Mol Sci, 2020 Aug 08, Volume 21, Issue 16, (2020)
Strategy for the identification of micro-organisms producing food and feed products: Bacteria producing food enzymes as study case, Deckers, Marie, Vanneste Kevin, Winand Raf, De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., Denayer Sarah, Heyndrickx Marc, Deforce Dieter, Fraiture Marie-Alice, and Roosens Nancy , Food Chemistry, Jan-02-2020, Volume 305, (2020)
Use of Whole Genome Sequencing Data for a First in Silico Specificity Evaluation of the RT-qPCR Assays Used for SARS-CoV-2 Detection., Gand, Mathieu, Vanneste Kevin, Thomas Isabelle, Van Gucht Steven, Capron Arnaud, Herman Philippe, Roosens Nancy, and De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J. , Int J Mol Sci, 2020 Aug 04, Volume 21, Issue 15, (2020)
Whole-genome sequencing of serotype 4b isolated from ready-to-eat lentil salad in Algiers, Algeria., Drali, R, Deriet A, Verhaegen Bavo, De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., Botteldoorn N, Vanneste Kevin, Roosens Nancy, and Mouffok F , New Microbes New Infect, 2020 Jan, Volume 33, (2020)
Detailed Evaluation of Data Analysis Tools for Subtyping of Bacterial Isolates Based on Whole Genome Sequencing: as a Proof of Concept., Saltykova, Assia, Mattheus Wesley, Bertrand Sophie, Roosens Nancy, Marchal Kathleen, and De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J. , Front Microbiol, 2019, Volume 10, (2019)
Development of a real-time PCR method for the genoserotyping of Salmonella Paratyphi B variant Java., Gand, Mathieu, Mattheus Wesley, Saltykova Assia, Roosens Nancy, Dierick Katelijne, Marchal Kathleen, De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., and Bertrand Sophie , Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2019 Jun, Volume 103, Issue 12, (2019)
Exploiting the Advantages of Molecular Tools for the Monitoring of Fungal Indoor Air Contamination: First Detection of in Indoor Air of Air-Conditioned Offices., Libert, Xavier, Chasseur Camille, Packeu Ann, Bureau Fabrice, Roosens Nancy, and De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J. , Microorganisms, 2019 Dec 10, Volume 7, Issue 12, (2019)
MinION sequencing technology to characterize unauthorized GM petunia plants circulating on the European Union market, Fraiture, Marie-Alice, Ujhelyi Gabriella, Ovesna Jaroslava, Van Geel D., De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., Saltykova Assia, Papazova N., and Roosens Nancy , Scientific reports, Volume 9, Issue 7141, (2019)
A new multiplex RT-qPCR method for the simultaneous detection and discrimination of Zika and chikungunya viruses., Broeders, Sylvia, Garlant Linda, Fraiture Marie-Alice, Vandermassen Els, Suin Vanessa, Vanhomwegen Jessica, Dupont-Rouzeyrol Myrielle, Rousset Dominique, Van Gucht Steven, and Roosens Nancy , Int J Infect Dis, 2019 Dec 26, (2019)
Shifting national surveillance of Shigella infections toward geno-serotyping by the development of a tailored Luminex assay and NGS workflow., Ventola, Eleonora, Bogaerts Bert, De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., Vanneste Kevin, Roosens Nancy, Mattheus Wesley, and Ceyssens Pieter-Jan , Microbiologyopen, 2019 Mar 28, (2019)
SPECENZYM : A project to study the purity of food enzymes, Deckers, Marie, Vanneste Kevin, Denayer Sarah, De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., Heyndrickx M, De Loose M, Berben G, Debode F, Papazova N., Fox P, et al. , 2019, (2019)
Status and potential of bacterial genomics for public health practice: a scoping review, Van Goethem, Nina, Descamps Tine, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Roosens Nancy, Boon Nele, Van Oyen Herman, and Robert Annie , Implementation Science, Volume 14, (2019)
Status and potential of bacterial genomics for public health practice: a scoping review, Van Goethem, Nina, Descamps Tine, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Roosens Nancy, Boon Nele A. M., Van Oyen Herman, and Robert Annie , Implementation Science, Jan-12-2019, Volume 14, Issue 1, (2019)
Targeting the 16S rRNA gene for bacterial identification in complex mixed samples: comparative evaluation of second (Illumina) and third (Oxford Nanopore Technologies) generation sequencing technologies., Winand, Raf, Bogaerts Bert, Hoffman Stefan, Lefèvre Loic, Delvoye Maud, Van Braekel Julien, Qiang Fu, Roosens Nancy, De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., and Vanneste Kevin , Int J Mol Sci, 2019 Dec 31, Volume 21, Issue 1, (2019)

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