Zoekresultaten - 8 results

Initiative for Quality Improvement and Epidemiology in Multidisciplinary Diabetic Foot Clinics (IQED-Foot)- Results of the 4th data collection (audit years 2013-2014)

compare favourably to those from other studies, especially if we consider the high severity of ulcers included in IQED-Foot and the high prevalence of comorbidities. Secondary prevention was adequate as ...

The future role for colposcopy in Europe.

colposcopy remains the best available tool to assess women considered at high risk for having or developing cervical cancer. The provision and role of colposcopy across Europe is variable. Introduction of ...

Patterns and trends in human papillomavirus-related diseases in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

p.H32-45 (2013) Keywords: Asia, Central Europe, Eastern Humans incidence Neoplasms Papillomavirus Infections prevalence Survival Analysis Abstract: This article provides an overview of cervical cancer and ...

Human papillomavirus prevalence and type-distribution, cervical cancer screening practices and current status of vaccination implementation in Central and Eastern Europe.

region was 12.6%, with HPV16 being the most frequent HPV type. The overall HPV DNA prevalence in women with high-grade cervical lesions was 78.1%. HPV DNA was found in 86.6% of cervical cancers; the ...

Cytological screening for cervical cancer in the province of Limburg, Belgium.

intraepithelial lesion: 1.1%, high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion or more serious lesions: 0.4%), but varied substantially among laboratories. The prevalence of atypical squamous cells of undetermined ...

Prevaccination distribution of human papillomavirus types in women attending at cervical cancer screening in Belgium.

intraepithelial lesion (HSIL), 1.2%. The frequency of high-risk HPV infections was 11% in women without cytologic abnormalities, 77% in ASC- US, 32% in AGC, 85% in LSIL, and 93% in ASC-H and HSIL. The prevalence of ...

Virologic versus cytologic triage of women with equivocal Pap smears: a meta-analysis of the accuracy to detect high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia.

Viral Female Humans middle aged ODDS RATIO Papanicolaou Test Papillomaviridae Papillomavirus Infections Practice Guidelines as Topic Predictive Value of Tests prevalence Reproducibility of Results ...

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