Zoekresultaten - 90 results

Changes in Meningococcal Strains in the Era of a Serogroup C Vaccination Campaign: Trends and Evolution in Belgium during the Period 1997-2012.

Neisseria meningitidis, Serogroup C Phenotype Prognosis Serogroup Survival Rate Time Factors Vaccination Young adult Abstract: BACKGROUND: Invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) is a major cause of bacterial ...

Epidemiological situation of Lyme borreliosis in Belgium, 2003 to 2012.

is no increasing trend over the study period (median = 1200.5 positive tests per year). The highest incidence rates of hospitalization and the highest reported incidence of positive laboratory results ...

Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in food and feed on the Belgian market.

Furthermore, we detected PA s in 4 of 63 commercial milk samples. A high incidence rate of PA s in lucerne (alfalfa)-based horse feed and in rabbit feed was detected, while bird feed samples were less ...

The implementation of an organised cervical screening programme in Poland: an analysis of the adherence to European guidelines.

programme process and performance indicators; (iii) impact of the programme on the incidence of and mortality from CC. METHODS: Available data on the policy, structure and functioning of the Polish programme ...

Epidemiology of Clostridium difficile infection in Belgium: Report 2014

United Kingdom, and the Netherlands. International comparisons indicate that Belgium has incidence rates of CDI in the mid-range of other European countries and lower than that in the United States. There ...

Trends in corpus uteri cancer mortality in member states of the European Union.

extracted from the World Health Organisation mortality database. Corpus uteri cancer mortality rates were corrected for certification problems using different reallocation rules for deaths registered as ...

Preventable proportion of severe infections acquired in intensive care units: case-mix adjusted estimations from patient-based surveillance data.

expected if, after adjustment for case mix, the infection incidence in ICU s with higher infection rates could be reduced to that of the top-tenth-percentile-ranked ICU. Computations came from model-based ...

Efficacy of HPV-based screening for prevention of invasive cervical cancer: follow-up of four European randomised controlled trials.

control) were calculated for incidence of invasive cervical carcinoma. FINDINGS: The rate ratio for invasive cervical carcinoma among all women from recruitment to end of follow-up was 0·60 (95% CI ...

HPV testing and vaccination in Europe.

organization of the program and on adherence to algorithms for screening triage. Otherwise, it is likely that HPV-based screening will increase the referral rate to colposcopy including more women with no ...

Comprehensive control of human papillomavirus infections and related diseases.

2008 worldwide, 4.8% were attributable to HPV infection, with substantially higher incidence and mortality rates seen in developing versus developed countries. In recent years, we have gained tremendous ...

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