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Zoekresultaten - 51 results

Short-term effects of nitrogen dioxide on hospital admissions for cardiovascular disease in Wallonia, Belgium.

cardiovascular health in Wallonia for the period 2008-2011. This study also seeks to evaluate the effects of age, gender, season and temperature on this association. The effect of the delay between exposure and ...

Data on short-term effect of nitrogen dioxide on cardiovascular health in Wallonia, Belgium

dioxide on hospital admissions for cardiovascular disease in Wallonia, Belgium.” (Collart et al., in press) [1]. Nitrogen dioxide concentrations showed a strong seasonal pattern with higher levels in the ...

Outbreak report Measles – Belgium Wallonia

Accession Number: NA Keywords: Belgium Measles outbreak Wallonia Health Topics:  Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Service:  ...

Ongoing measles outbreak in Wallonia, Belgium, December 2016 to March 2017: characteristics and challenges.

Surveill, Volume 22, Issue 17 (2017) Abstract: We describe characteristics of an ongoing measles outbreak in Wallonia, Belgium, and difficulties in control measures implementation. As at 12 March 2017, 177 ...

Educational inequalities in premature mortality by region in the Belgian population in the 2000s

decomposed into the main causes of death. Results Regional health gaps are observed within each EL, with ASMR s in Brussels and Wallonia exceeding those of Flanders by about 50% in males and 40% in females ...

General practice patients treated for substance use problems: a cross-national observational study in Belgium.

than in Wallonia-Brussels (39.8%; 95% CI 33.1-46.8%), while problems with heroin or methadone were more prevalent in Wallonia-Brussels (27.0%; 95% CI 21.1-33.5%) than in Flanders (7.1%; 95% CI ...

Validity of self-reported use of health care in the European Health Interview Survey

Service SPECIALIST State States study survey Type Underreporting use use of health care validity Wallonia Abstract: The Health Care Module of the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) is aimed to obtain ...

Epidemiology of Clostridium difficile infection in Belgium: Report 2015

in the last few years is relatively stable (despite a slight increase in 2013). The incidence is lowest in Flanders and highest in Wallonia. There is a decline in the severity of CDI and in the number ...

Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in domestic sheep in Belgium34062

veterinary Veterinary Medicine Wallonia Abstract: Even though infected sheep are a potential source of Toxoplasma gondii infection in humans, information is lacking concerning the seroprevalence of T. gondii ...

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