Zoekresultaten - 7 results
A systematic review and meta-analysis of human population studies on the association between exposure to toxic environmental chemicals and left ventricular dysfunction (LVD).
included the general adult population, workers, young people, and the elderly. The risk of bias was assessed using the ROBINS-I tool at both study and item levels. RESULTS: The systematic review included 17 ...
SARS-CoV-2 prevalence, seroprevalence and seroconversion among healthcare workers in Belgium during the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak (SARS-CoV-2 HCW): amended protocol
I Desombere; Veronik Hutse; Isabelle Thomas; Vuylsteke, Bea; Els Duysburgh Source: Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium (2020) Keywords: Belgium COVID-19 HEALTHCARE WORKERS hospital SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence well-being ...
Bio-incident notification as a tool to enhance biosafety
risk Risk Assessment SBB survey training Waste WIV-ISP worker Workers Abstract: To gain insight into possible underlying causes of laboratory-acquired infections (LAI s), the Biosafety and Biotechnology ...
Biomonitoring survey of residents and rescue workers for acrylonitrile after the train disaster in Wetteren (Belgium)
Oyen Source: /, NA, Issue Vlaamse Wetenschappelijke Vereniging voor Arbeidsgeneeskunde (VWVA), NA (2013) Keywords: / acrylonitrile Belgium biomonitoring residents survey Wetteren worker Workers Health ...
A biomonitoring survey of the residents and the rescue workers for acrylonitrile after the train disaster in Wetteren (Belgium)
Wetteren WHO worker Workers Abstract: presentation at the 6th EUROPEAN PUBLIC HEALTH CONFERENCE — Health in Europe: are we there yet? Learning from the past, building the future Health Topics: Health and ...
Cytogenetic analysis of tannery workers in Morocco
(2008) Keywords: chromosomal aberrations human lymphocytes micronuclei Mitotic index tannery workers Health Topics: Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Service: ...
Exposure to lead when manufacturing cookware from scrap metal: A public health threat in the artisanal sector in DR Congo
Abstract: AIM The objective of this study was to investigate the exposure to lead (Pb) among artisan workers manufacturing cookware from scrap metal and their community. METHODS We conducted a cross-sectional ...