Zoekresultaten - 145 results

Replication Characteristics of African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) Genotype I E70 and ASFV Genotype II Belgium 2018/1 in Perivenous Macrophages Using Established Vein Explant Model.

strain-dependent vascular pathology, leading to hemorrhagic fever, is an important pathogen in swine. The pathogenesis of ASFV is determined by the array and spatial distribution of susceptible cells within the ...

Allele Frequencies of Genetic Variants Associated with Varroa Drone Brood Resistance (DBR) in Apis mellifera Subspecies across the European Continent.

colonies may underly these contribution shifts. In order to frame this, we determined the allele frequencies of the eight genetic variants in more than 360 colonies across the European continent and found ...

RNA sequencing of avian paramyxovirus (Paramyxoviridae, Avulavirinae) isolates from wild mallards in Belgium, 2021: complete genomes and coinfections.

strains and one avian Paraavulavirus-4 (APMV-4) strain were determined confirming hemagglutination inhibition testing of the virus isolates. In addition, the applied sequencing strategy identified an avian ...

Lumpy Skin Disease Virus Genome Sequence Analysis: Putative Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology, Single Gene versus Whole Genome Phylogeny and Genomic Evolution.

a whole-genome-sequence (WGS)-based phylogeny and compared it with single-gene-based phylogenies. To study population and spatiotemporal patterns in greater detail, we reconstructed networks. We determined that there are ...

Outbreaks of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Burundi, East Africa, in 2016, Caused by Different Serotypes.

collected in six of the affected provinces spread over the country. The overall seroprevalence of FMD virus (FMDV) in the affected herds, as determined by antibodies against FMDV non-structural proteins, was ...

Metagenomic sequencing determines complete infectious bronchitis virus (avian Gammacoronavirus) vaccine strain genomes and associated viromes in chicken clinical samples.

identified both fixed and minor frequency variations in the tissue sample compared to its in ovo-passaged virus. Metagenomic methods allow the determination of complete coronavirus genomes from clinical ...

Comparative Evaluation of Lumpy Skin Disease Virus-Based Live Attenuated Vaccines.

disease. However, the usefulness of a vaccine is determined by a multiplicity of factors which include stability, efficiency, safety and ease of use, to name a few. Although the vaccination campaign in the ...

Efficient control of Japanese encephalitis virus in the central nervous system of infected pigs occurs in the absence of a pronounced inflammatory immune response.

3 Nakayama strain. Clinical signs were assessed daily, and viral spread was followed by RT-qPCR. mRNA expression profiles were determined to study immune responses in the CNS. RESULTS: Besides a delay of ...

Phylogeography of Human and Animal Strains: Genetic Fingerprinting of Q Fever in Belgium.

reservoirs. To determine the relationship between animal and human strains, Multiple Locus Variable-number Tandem Repeat Analysis (MLVA) (n=146), Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) (n=92) and Whole Genome ...

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