Zoekresultaten - 869 results

Acrylonitrile exposure assessment in the emergency responders of a major train accident in Belgium: a human biomonitoring study.

2013, a train transporting chemicals derailed in Wetteren, Belgium. Several tanks loaded with acrylonitrile (ACN) exploded, resulting in a fire and a leakage of ACN. OBJECTIVES: To determine exposure to ...

Acrylonitrile exposure in the general population following a major train accident in Belgium: a human biomonitoring study.

potential influence by smoking, cotinine was determined in the urine. Participants also filled in a short questionnaire. RESULTS: In the evacuated zone, 37.3% of the non-smokers and 40.0% of the smokers had ...

Comparative study of seven commercial kits for human DNA extraction from urine samples suitable for DNA biomarker-based public health studies.

urinary human DNA extraction procedure for epidemiological studies. DNA yield has been determined using different quantification methods: two classical, i.e., NanoDrop and PicoGreen, and two ...

Exposure determinants of cadmium in European mothers and their children

Republic de determinant DETERMINANTS dietary differences disease education Educational level Educational-level effect effects electronic environment environmental environmental exposure Environmental Health ...

Co-occurrence of free-living protozoa and foodborne pathogens on dishcloths: implications for food safety.

use was identified as a prime determinant of FLP concentrations on used dishcloths. Bacterial load on dishcloths was high, with a mean total of aerobic bacteria of 7.47 log 10 cfu/cm(2). Escherichia ...

Virulence comparison and quantification of horizontal bovine viral diarrhoea virus transmission following experimental infection in calves.

infections were performed to determine basic reproduction ratios (R0). In each experiment three calves were infected via intranasal inoculation and housed together with seven susceptible animals. Two strains ...

Fertility and early pregnancy outcomes after treatment for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: systematic review and meta-analysis.

Complications Pregnancy Outcome Pregnancy Rate Uterine Cervical Neoplasms Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To determine the impact of cervical excision for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia on fertility and early ...

Glyphosate determination in cereals and liver after derivatization

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Laure Joly; Philippe Szternfeld; Séverine Goscinny; V. Hanot; Unterluggauer,H.; Aldrian,J.; Masselter,S. Source: EURL AO/SRM Pesticides Joint Workshop, NA, Issue EURL-AO, EURL-SRM, N ...

Validation of a sensitive DNA walking strategy to characterise unauthorised GMOs using model food matrices mimicking common rice products

on model food matrices mimicking common rice products, have allowed to determine the limit of detection as well as the potential effects of food mixture and processing. This detection system allows the ...

Development of a quick and non-invasive method for the determination of selected veterinary antimicrobials in poultry

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: B Gorissen; Tim Reyns; Devreese,M.; De Backer,P.; Joris Van Loco; Croubels,S. Source: 3th International Conference on Responsible Use of Antibiotics in Animals, NA, Issue RUAA, NA (2 ...

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