Zoekresultaten - 158 results
The occurrence of putative cognitive enhancing research peptides in seized pharmaceutical preparations: An incentive for controlling agencies to prepare for future encounters of the kind.
recommendation paper of the General European Official Medicines Control Laboratory (OMCL) network on the interpretation of screening results for unknown peptides by mass spectrometry, was also validated in ...
The African swine fever virus isolate Belgium 2018/1 shows high virulence in European wild boar.
The study also provided a large set of well-characterized sample materials for test validation and assay harmonization. Health Topics: Animal health Santé animale Diergezondheid Manuscript versions: ...
included as internal standard. Validation of the UPLC- TQMS method addressed selectivity, linearity, precision, trueness and accuracy. Out of the 15 investigated MHP s, 6 were found to leak 5 sensitizing and ...
Sensitizing fragrances in absorbent hygiene products.
sensitizing fragrances in AHP ’s. This method allows simultaneous identification and quantification and was validated using the total error approach with an acceptance value of ±15%. RESULTS: The validated ...
NGS for (Hemato-) Oncology in Belgium: Evaluation of Laboratory Performance and Feasibility of a National External Quality Assessment Program
therapeutic value at potentially low allelic frequencies. The complex sequencing workflows used require careful validation and continuous quality control. Participation in external quality assessments (EQA) ...
An evaluation of species distribution models to estimate tree diversity at genus level in a heterogeneous urban-rural landscape
area as a whole. Occurrence data were obtained from an open-access presence-only database of validated observations of vascular plants. These occurrence data were combined with environmental covariates ...
An evaluation of species distribution models to estimate tree diversity at genus level in a heterogeneous urban-rural landscape
urban areas and developed distribution models for 13 tree genera for both strata as well as for the area as a whole. Occurrence data were obtained from an open-access presence-only database of validated ...
A new multiplex RT-qPCR method for the simultaneous detection and discrimination of Zika and chikungunya viruses
combined in a four-plex assay that was thoroughly validated in-house. The SCREENED tool was used to evaluate the sequence coverage of the method. Results The full validation approach showed that the new ...
In vitro 50 Hz magnetic field long-term exposure: Cytogenetic tests on human lymphoblastoid TK6 cells and validation of the test environment
of a well-validated exposure system. Furthermore, the use of a shielding system to limit background ELF- MF s inside the incubator is described as well. Optimized protocols for cytogenetic tests with ...
A new multiplex RT-qPCR method for the simultaneous detection and discrimination of Zika and chikungunya viruses.
literature for each virus, adapted for high genome coverage and joined into a four-plex assay which was thoroughly in-house validated. The SCREENED tool was used to evaluate the sequence coverage of ...