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Filters: Author is Camille Duveau
Eenzaamheid en Geestelijke Gezondheid in België,
, 18/02/2025, Brussels, Belgium, p.3, (2025)
Samenvatting van de BELHEALTH-resultaten - Waves 1 tot 6: Gegevens over geestelijke gezondheid bij Belgische volwassenen na COVID-19: September 2022 – Juni 2024,
, 27/02/2025, Brussels, p.24, (2025)
Solitude et Santé Mentale en Belgique,
, 18/02/2025, Brussels, Belgium, p.3, (2025)
Summary of BELHEALTH results - Waves 1 to 6: Mental Health Data on Belgian Adults in the wake of COVID-19: September 2022 – June 2024,
, 27/02/2025, Brussels, p.23, (2025)
Synthèse des résultats BELHEALTH - Vague 1 à 6: Données sur la santé mentale des adultes belges à la suite du COVID-19 : Septembre 2022 – Juin 2024,
, 27/02/2025, Brussels, p.24, (2025)
Bulletin n°4 - BELHEALTH,
, 15/03/2024, Brussels, p.13, (2024)
Bulletin n°4 - BELHEALTH - FR,
, 15/03/2024, Brussels, p.13, (2024)
Bulletin n°4 - BELHEALTH - NL,
, 15/03/2024, Brussels, p.13, (2024)
Bulletin n°5 - BELHEALTH,
, 19/06/2024, Brussels, Belgium, p.11, (2024)
Bulletin n°5 - BELHEALTH - FR,
, 19/06/2024, Brussels, Belgium, p.12, (2024)
Bulletin n°5 - BELHEALTH - NL,
, 19/06/2024, Brussels, Belgium, p.11, (2024)
Bulletin n°6 - BELHEALTH,
, 2024, Brussels, Belgium, (2024)
Exploring anxiety and depression trends: insights from the BELHEALTH cohort 2022-2024 in Belgium,
, European Public Health Conference, 2024, Volume 34, Number iii376, Lisbon, Portugal, (2024)
Individual, interpersonal, and organisational factors associated with discrimination in medical decisions affecting people with a migration background with mental health problems: the case of general practice.,
, Ethn Health, 2024 Jan, Volume 29, Issue 1, (2024)
Individual, interpersonal, and organisational factors associated with discrimination in medical decisions affecting people with a migration background with mental health problems: the case of general practice,
, Ethnicity & Health, 2024, Volume 29, Number 145, (2024)
Caring for all ? Biases, ethnicity, and mental health care : the case of general practice,
, 4/12/2023, Brussels, Belgium, p.297, (2023)
Mental health among people with a migration background in Belgium over the past 20 years: how has the situation evolved?,
, Archives of Public Health, Jan-12-2023, Volume 81, Issue 1, (2023)
Psychological distress and online advice-seeking in times of COVID-19: vertical and horizontal equity of an e-mental health strategy,
, Current Psychology, May-06-2025, (2023)
Psychological distress and online advice-seeking in times of COVID-19: vertical and horizontal equity of an e-mental health strategy,
, Current Psychology, 29/06/2023, Volume 43, Number 18747, (2023)
Unintentional Discrimination Against Patients with a Migration Background by General Practitioners in Mental Health Management: An Experimental Study,
, Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 2023, Volume 50, Number 460, (2023)
Unintentional Discrimination Against Patients with a Migration Background by General Practitioners in Mental Health Management: An Experimental Study.,
, Adm Policy Ment Health, 2023 May, Volume 50, Issue 3, (2023)
Implicit and explicit ethnic biases in multicultural primary care: the case of trainee general practitioners,
, BMC Primary Care, 2022, Volume 23, Issue 91, (2022)
Bulletin n°6 - BELHEALTH,
, (0)