Search results - 4 results

Factors influencing SARS-CoV-2 infection rate in Belgian nursing homes’ residents during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: L. Peckeu-Abboud; E. van Kleef; T. Smekens; Katrien Latour; Sara Dequeker; Laura Int Panis; M. Laga Source: Epidemiology and Infection ...

What the curtains do not shield: A phenomenological exploration of patient‐witnessed resuscitation in hospital. Part 1: patients' experiences

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Martina Fiori; Jos M. Latour; Ruth Endacott; Clara A. Cutello; Maureen Coombs Source: Journal of Advanced Nursing, Volume 78, Issue ...

MRSA surveillance programmes worldwide: moving towards a harmonised international approach

Chabaud, Aurélie; Joanna Empel; Hege Enger; Hallin, Marie; Marina Ivanova; Andreas Kronenberg; Kuntaman, Kuntaman; Anders Rhod Larsen; Katrien Latour; Jodi A. Lindsay; Bruno Pichon; Dewi Santosaningsih; Leo ...

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