Search results - 347 results

The wisdom layer: how to support evidence-informed policymaking

initiatives to influence health policy in Belgium. Specifically, we will discuss the concrete impact of the Belgian Health Status Report and the role this report plays in the development of actionable health ...

Unravelling COVID-19 social mortality patterns using conditional inference tree algorithm

Speybroeck; Sylvie Gadeyne Source: European Journal of Public Health, European Journal of Public Health, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_3, Lisbon, Portugal (2024) Keywords: COVID-19 inégalités sociales mortality ...

The knowledge layer: the role of key messages for translating data into meaning

conflicting information on critical health topics, complicating the decision-making process for policymakers. To address this issue, Belgium has initiated the ‘Health Status Report’ website, hosted at ...

The information layer: shaping data into meaning with interactive tools

aggregation and stratification. This study serves as a foundation for deriving conclusions and formulating hypotheses regarding the health status of the national and various sub-populations. Our discussion will ...

The data layer: the importance of sources critical appraisal

is to tracking the health status of its citizens and understanding its evolution over time. Given the absence of a singular, comprehensive data source, we developed a framework to select databases ...

Epidemiology of vaccine-preventable infectious diseases, Annual summary report 2023

coverage is still too low. More than half the cases were unvaccinated, and one in four people had no information about their vaccination status. Belgium, like other European countries and the WHO, is ...

Epidemiologische surveillance van mazelen (Morbillivirus)- 2023

aan België voor de jaren 2020-2022 de status ‘measles eliminated’ toe. Dit betekent niet dat er geen gevallen van mazelen meer voorkwamen in België, maar wel dat geen enkele keten van besmettingen ...

Women’s health report for Belgium: addressing the information gap

status in Belgium routinely present information disaggregated by sex. Nevertheless, there is a need to go further than a mere comparison of men and women and strive for gender-sensitive health reporting. ...

Modelling the cost differential between current and healthy diets according to household education level in Belgium.

Keywords: ADOLESCENT Adult Belgium Costs and Cost Analysis Diet Diet Surveys Diet, Healthy Educational Status Family Characteristics Female Humans Male middle aged Young adult Abstract: This study aims to ...

DTaP Potency testing: 3R's status

(2024) Keywords: national control laboratory Network Quality vaccine Health Topics:  Conformité de lot de vaccin Service:  Qualité des vaccins et produits sanguins Kwaliteit van vaccins en bloedproducten ...

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