Search results - 659 results

The burden of psoriasis in Belgium, 2021

non-fatal psoriasis burden in terms of years lived with disability (YLD). Estimated prevalence data were combined with disability weights to yield YLD s imposed by psoriasis. Mortality attributable to ...

Burden of inflammatory bowel disease in Belgium, 2020

sources was conducted. Prevalence data were combined with disability weights to yield YLD s. YLL s were calculated using the most recent Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2019 reference life table and the ...

EBoD-FL. Guidelines for mapping the environmental burden of disease in Flanders, 2024

a summary measure that combines both mortality and morbidity. In EB oD- FL, a novel approach is developed where the EBD is calculated locally at the level of the statistical sector. This approach adds ...

Urban green space, human heat perception and sleep quality: A repeated cross-sectional study.

of combining trees with lower vegetation in urban planning to mitigate heat-related stress and enhance sleep quality, thereby improving overall well-being during heat events. Health Topics:  Health and ...

Antigenic changes in influenza A(H3N2) driven by genetic evolution: Insights from virological surveillance, EU/EEA, week 40/2023 to week 9/2024

virus detections (primary care sentinel and non-sentinel combined), of which 97% (150,692) were type A and 3% (4,026) were type B. Of the subtyped influenza A viruses, 30,463 (75%) were influenza ...

The use of radiotherapy, surgery and chemotherapy in the curative treatment of cancer: results from the FORTY (Favourable Outcomes from RadioTherapY) project

Issue 1152 (2023) Abstract: Objectives Radiotherapy, surgery and chemotherapy play key roles in the curative treatment of cancer, alone and in combination. Quantifying their roles is essential for ...

Flemish consensus statement on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections in older nursing home residents.

the Belgian Association of Urology, the Belgian Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics and PhD researchers based on a combination of clinical expertise, (inter)national guidelines and ...

Using a combination of short- and long-read sequencing to investigate the diversity in plasmid- and chromosomally encoded extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) in clinical Shigella and Salmonella isolates in Belgium

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Berbers, Bas; Vanneste, Kevin; Roosens, Nancy H. C. J.; Marchal, Kathleen; Pieter-Jan Ceyssens *; De Keersmaecker, Sigrid C. J. Source: Microbial Genomics, Volume 9, Issue 1 (2023) Health Topics: ...

VERMEER FCM: A tool integrating exposure and hazard modelling for chemicals migrating from food contact materials.

information regarding the chemical(s) of interest, the FCM, the food and other parameters (e.g. contact time and temperature). The three modules can be run either separately or in combination. Migration is ...

Evaluating MIR and NIR Spectroscopy Coupled with Multivariate Analysis for Detection and Quantification of Additives in Tobacco Products.

additives. Overall, NIR spectroscopy combined with SIMCA provided the most accurate and robust classification models for all target molecules, indicating that it is the most effective single technique for this ...

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