Search results - 16 results

BSFM 2024- Reported food-borne outbreaks in Belgium, 2023

outbreaks, collects and centralizes the information on food-borne outbreaks (FBO s) and assures the follow-up of the FBO s in Belgium. Materials and Methods A food-borne outbreak is defined as an incidence, ...

Differences in the cost and environmental impact between the current diet in Brazil and healthy and sustainable diets: a modeling study

diets benefit human and planetary health, their monetary cost has a direct impact on consumer food choices. This study aimed to identify the cost and environmental impact of the current Brazilian diet ...

Please don't throw me in the briar patch! Empirical evidence on the role of instructional cues on eco-label usage in fish consumption decisions

growing popularity of colour-graded eco-labels in promoting pro-environmental practices in food production underscores the need for scientific insights into consumer responses to such labels, particularly ...

Integration of various dimensions in food-based dietary guidelines via mathematical approaches: report of a DGE/FENS Workshop in Bonn, Germany, 23–24 September 2019Abstract

further improvements. Health Topics:  Burden of disease Fardeau de la maladie Ziektelast Food consumption and food safety Consommation et sécurité alimentaires Voedselconsumptie en –veiligheid Service:  Information ...

Availability of healthy and unhealthy foods in modern retail outlets located in selected districts of Greater Accra Region, Ghana.

Francis Zotor; Matilda E Laar; Kobby Mensah; Phyllis Addo; Dennis Laryea; Gershim Asiki; Daniel Sellen; Stefanie Vandevijvere; Amos Laar Source: Front Public Health, Volume 10 (2022) Keywords: Consumer ...

Reverse thinking: taking a healthy diet perspective towards food systems transformations

afford and desire healthy, sustainable, and culturally acceptable diets. This paper argues that this should be guided by information on diets, dietary trends, consumer motives, and food environment ...

Consumer and food product determinants of food wasting: A case study on chicken meat

sécurité alimentaires Voedselconsumptie en –veiligheid Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen Service:  Information sanitaire ...

A novel genotoxin-specific qPCR array based on the metabolically competent human HepaRG™ cell line as a rapid and reliable tool for improved in vitro hazard assessment

tool can improve human safety assessment of chemicals in general by basing predictions on mechanistic toxicogenomics information. Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid ...

Coatings in food contact materials: Potential source of genotoxic contaminants?

additional toxicological information is needed. Health Topics:  Food contact materials Service:  Évaluation des risques et de l'impact sur la santé Risico- en gezondheidsimpactevaluatie Risk and health ...

Biotech Rice: Current developments and future detection challenges in food and feed chain

were developed, including transgenesis commonly using Agrobacterium tumefaciens or biolistic technologies. To guarantee the traceability of GMO in food/feed chain and the consumer's freedom of ...

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