Search results - 36 results

Developing evidence-informed indicators to monitor HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis programmes across EU/EEA countries: a multi-stakeholder consensus

pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) programmes between 2016 and 2023. Data on PrEP programmes’performance and effectiveness in reaching those most in need will be needed to assess regional progress in the roll-out ...

Global estimates of incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in 2020: a baseline analysis of the WHO Global Cervical Cancer Elimination Initiative.

marked variations in the global cervical cancer landscape today. FUNDING: French Institut National du Cancer, Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation of the European Commission; and ...

The effectiveness of food system policies to improve nutrition, nutrition-related inequalities and environmental sustainability: a scoping review

included in the analysis. The triple-duty interventions identified were sustainable agriculture practices and school food programmes. Labelling, reformulation, in-store nudging interventions and fiscal ...

An overview of programmatic indicators to monitor the roll-out of HIV preexposure prophylaxis.

PrEP programmes. Implementing proxy measures that track different aspects of PrEP use over time, and making synergies with research more explicit, could be used as strategies to obtain more granular ...

Methodological choices in brucellosis burden of disease assessments: A systematic review

BACKGROUND: Foodborne and zoonotic diseases such as brucellosis present many challenges to public health and economic welfare. Increasingly, researchers and public health institutes use disability-adjusted life ...

Monitoring HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis programmes in the EU/EEA

intended to be used by PrEP programme implementers (e.g. public health authorities, non-governmental and community organisations or researchers) or other stakeholders in the design and implementation of ...

The InfAct proposal for a sustainable European health information infrastructure on population health: the Distributed Infrastructure on Population Health (DIPoH).

a proposal of a new research infrastructure on population health (the DIP oH), new health information tools and innovative proposals for HIS, and a comprehensive capacity building programme. These activities ...

MRSA surveillance programmes worldwide: moving towards a harmonised international approach

metadata varied greatly. Current MRSA surveillance programmes rely upon heterogeneous data collection systems, which hampers international epidemiological monitoring and research. To harmonise MRSA ...

Les trajets de soins diabète de type 2 et insuffisance rénale chronique et la qualité des soins (EVACQ)

de la fonction rénale définie par ≥ 3 ml/min/1,73 m²/an dans une cohorte similaire. Conclusion générale Le programme « trajet de soins » de l’ INAMI qui comporte une intervention complexe s’est révélé ...

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