Genotyping of HAV virus

Last updated on 6-1-2025 by Anonymous (not verified)

Please fill in entirely the request form from the NRC for all analysis requests. You can download it below.



Hepatitis A Virus (HAV)

Assay description

LOINC Code : 89373-5

Details : 

Sanger sequencing performed from an in house nested PCR.

The protocol used is based on the one used at RIVM.

Results : 

Genotype & subtype.

A weak viral load often lead to sequencing failure.

The obtained sequence is aligned against a public database in order to determine the genotype and the subtype.

Accreditation : 

Non-accredited assay.

Aim of the assay 

Gentyping of HAV by nested PCR and Sanger sequencing.


Positive HAV PCR.

The requesting lab must mention the results of the PCR on the request form.

HAV genotyping is automatically performed in case of positive HAV PCR performed in our laboratory. Reporting is only done if the requesting lab has explicitly requested it via the request form.

Instructions related to sample

Type : 



Oracol® sampling kit is available for 10 €. The request has to be made by e-mail to

Conservatory and shipment conditions : 

Conservation at 4°C before shipment.

Shipment at ambient temperature as soon as possible in a hermetic three layer package.

Requested quantities :

Preferred : 1 ml.

Minimal requirements : 0,5 ml.

Rejected request

Sample with insufficient volume.

Turnaround time

TAT : 30 opening days


An analysis report can be sent by regular mail, e-mail, fax ou eHealth Box for each analysis request if the analysis request has been clearly specified.


Pathogen info

Hepatitis A virus


Is the analysis accredited?

Materials and methods

Method reference: 
SOP 13/3/100/F

Turnaround time and time slots

Turnaround time: 
30 days

Service in charge of the analysis

Contact person(s)

Contact email

Analysis categories


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