Last updated on 10-12-2024 by Marie Malingreau
Gordana Raicevic; Hélène A. Poirel; Gabrielle Schittecatte; Marc Van den Bulcke; Camille, Andries; Yves, Beguin; Sofie, Bekaert; Geert, Berx; Cedric, Blanpain; Karine, Breckpot; Pierre, Close; Stefan, Constantinescu; An, Coosemans; Frederik, Coopens; René, Custers; De Jacques, Greve; De Katleen, Preter; François, Fuks; Lode, Godderis; Isabelle, Houbracken; Frederic, Kridelka; Veronique Le Ray; Robrecht, Lembrechts; Evy, Lobbestael; Sophie, Lucas; Jean-Pascal, Machiels; Bart, Neyns; Agnès, Noel; Piet, Ost; Marc, Peeters; Martine, Piccart; Suzy, Renckens; Ward, Rommel; Pieter, Rondou; Gwen, Sys; Sabine, Tejpar; Van den Isabelle, Bulck; Jiska van der Reest; Dirk Van Gestel; Van Johan, Lint; Karin, Vanderkerken; Xavier, Verhelst; Agnieszka, Wozniak; Pascale, ZimmermannKeywords
Article written during project(s) :
Research is central to achieving Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, and is the key focus of the European Commission’s Mission on Cancer. To successfully tackle the challenges we face in cancer research, a coordinated effort of the entire Belgian scientific community is needed. It is for this reason the Belgian Cancer Research Alliance was proposed. The aim of BeCRA is to bring together various Belgian research institutes and associated care institutions and position them optimally at the EU level, with respect to the many research initiatives launched in the EBCP within the EU4Health p…