Search results - 742 results

Author Correction: The evolution and international spread of extensively drug resistant Shigella sonnei

Silva, P. Malaka; Bengtsson, Rebecca J.; Draper, Jenny L.; Ginn, Andrew N.; Sandaradura, Indy; Sim, Eby M.; Iredell, Jonathan R.; Sintchenko, Vitali; Ingle, Danielle J.; Howden, Benjamin P.; Lefèvre, ...

A Multifaceted Approach for Evaluating Hepatitis E Virus Infectivity In Vitro: Cell Culture and Innovative Molecular Methods for Integrity Assessment

Veterinary Sciences, Volume 10, Issue 12 (2023) Health Topics:  Food-borne illness Voedseltoxi-infecties (toxi-)infection alimentaire (TIA) Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des ...

Post COVID-19 condition and health-related quality of life: a longitudinal cohort study in the Belgian adult population

Ridder; Rana Charafeddine Source: BMC Public Health, Volume 23, Issue 1 (2023) Keywords: Belgium long COVID Quality of Life Abstract: Background Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, most research has ...

A genomic appraisal of invasive Salmonella Typhimurium and associated antibiotic resistance in sub-Saharan AfricaAbstract

Barbara; Jeon, Hyon Jin; Mbuyi-Kalonji, Lisette; Phoba, Marie-France; Falay, Dadi; Martiny, Delphine; Vandenberg, Olivier; Affolabi, Dissou; Rutanga, Jean Pierre; Pieter-Jan Ceyssens; Wesley Mattheus; ...

Multicenter interlaboratory study of routine systems for the susceptibility testing of temocillin using a challenge panel of multidrug-resistant strains

Latour; Lissoir, Bénédicte; Magerman, Koen; Matheeussen, Veerle; Meex, Cécile; Rodriguez Villalobos, Hector; Vandamme, Sarah; Van den Abeele, Anne-Marie; Vilain, Aline; Kris Vernelen; Wybo, Ingrid; Yaras, ...

Estimating Years of Life Lost due to COVID-19 over the first two years of the pandemic in Cyprus: comparisons across areas, age, and sex

COVID-19 mortality counts by age-conditional life expectancy from the 2019 Global Burden of Disease life table. COVID-19 accounted for 16,704 YLL over the first two years of the pandemic—approximately 18.5 ...

Genital Infection Caused by Salmonella enterica Serovar Hvittingfoss: A Case Report

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: De Hert, Emilie; Baïli, Sarah; Vanden Driessche, Marleen; Jansens, Hilde; Vandamme, Sarah; Jacquemyn, Yves; Vodolazkaia, Alexandra; ...

Telacebec Interferes with Virulence Lipid Biosynthesis Protein Expression and Sensitizes to Other Antibiotics

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Zhou, Zhiyu; Wattiez, Ruddy; Constant, Patricia; Marrakchi, Hedia; Karine Soetaert; Vanessa Mathys; Fontaine, Véronique; Zeng, Sheng ...

Foundation of the Belgian Society for Viruses of Microbes and Meeting Report of Its Inaugural Symposium

Lima-Mendez, Gipsi; Matthijnssens, Jelle; Onsea, Jolien; Peeters, Eveline; Pirnay, Jean-Paul; Thiry, Damien; Vandenheuvel, Dieter; Van Mechelen, Els; Venneman, Jolien; Verbeken, Gilbert; Wagemans, Jeroen; ...

Characterization of a Bacteriophage GEC_vB_Bfr_UZM3 Active against Bacteroides fragilis

Natroshvili, Guliko; Tatrishvili, Tamar; Lazvliashvili, Davit; Mitskevich, Nunu; Pirnay, Jean-Paul; Chanishvili, Nina Source: Viruses, Volume 15, Issue 5 (2023) Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring ...

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