Search results - 322 results

How safe are your infusions? Analysis of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in plant based products using UHPLC-MS/MS & highlighting of their transfer rate during brewing.

Directive 2002/657/ CE and SANTE /11945/2015. The LOQ s achieved (0.1 ng.g-1 for dry products, 0.01 ng.mL-1 for brewed teas) were lower than those proposed by EFSA  (2011).   Surprisingly, high levels of ...

Exposition de la population belge aux alcaloïdes pyrrolizidiniques

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: J.F. Picron Source: 10ème Symposium de la Recherche Contractuelle et DG Animaux, Végétaux et Alimentation, Brussels- Belgium ...

Pyrrolizidine alkaloids, follow-up on the PASFOOD project

alkaloids Health Topics:  Food consumption and food safety Consommation et sécurité alimentaires Voedselconsumptie en –veiligheid Full text language:  English Category:  C31 FOS Classification:  1.4 Chemical ...

Characterization of the TiO2 E171 food additive

E171 (Titanium dioxide) is an EC approved food additive (EC 1129/2011), authorized to be used as color in foodstuffs. It is widely used for its refractive properties (shiny coating, UV protection) in the ...

Food contamination with pyrrolizidine alkaloids: the expected… and the unexpected

Issue KVCV, Botanic Garden, Meise (2018) Abstract: Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA s) and their N-oxides (PANO s) are natural toxins, exclusively biosynthesized by a wide variety of plant species (>6000). ...

Jaarverslag CODA 2015-2017

Publication Type: Popular-science publication (vulgarising publication) Authors: Sciensano Source: CODA-CERVA, Number 19, Brussel (2018) Health Topics:  Diergezondheid Voedselconsumptie en ...

Determination of endocrine disrupting compounds in human placenta by UPLC-ESI-MS/MS: a preliminary study on parabens, bisphenols and alkyl phenols

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Ilse Van Overmeire; K. Vrijens; Nawrot, T.; An Van Nieuwenhuyse; Joris Van Loco; Tim Reyns Source: International symposium on ...

Do current fortification and supplementation programs assure adequate intake of vitamin A, D, E and K in Belgium?

Dekkers; M Van Sleemland; Bruno De Meulenaer; Herman Van Oyen; Lachat, Carl; Van Camp, John Source: Belgian Nutrtion Society annual conference, Issue Belgian Nutrition Society, Brussels (2018) Keywords: ...

Analysis of Mineral Oil in food: Results of a Belgian market survey

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: A Van Heyst; M Van Lancker; J Vercammen; M Elskens; Els Van Hoeck Source: Innovations in Food Analytics- Munich- Germany ...

Analysis of Mineral Oil in food: Results of a Belgian market survey

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: A Van Heyst; M Van Lancker; J Vercammen; M Elskens; Els Van Hoeck Source: ISEAC-40 International Conference on Environmental ...

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