Search results - 429 results

Belgian NMD registry

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Marjan Cosyns; Marlène Jagut Source: TGDOC Annual Curators meeting, TREAT-NMD, teleconference (2020) Keywords: Belgian ...

COVID-19 | Surveillance des eaux usées: résultats préliminaires, Sciensano press release, December 2020

versions:  DOI:… File:  Version:  Published Full text access:  Public Access Full text language:  French Category:  F31 FOS ...

COVID-19 | Surveillance van het afvalwater: voorlopige resultaten, Sciensano press release, December 2020

Sciensano, Brussels, Beglium (2020) URL: Keywords: coronacrisis Coronavirus COVID COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 ...

Spatial and molecular mapping of Pfkelch13 gene polymorphism in Africa in the era of emerging Plasmodium falciparum resistance to artemisinin: a systematic review.

isolates (2·7%) from west, central, and east Africa. According to WHO, nine different mutations linked to PfART-R in southeast Asia (Phe446Ile, Cys469Tyr, Met476Ile, Arg515Lys, Ser522Cys, Pro553Leu, ...

Going online with the health interview survey: Assessing the effect of data collection mode on participation, measurements and costs in a Belgian context

Publication Type: Dissertation Authors: Elise Braekman Source: Antwerp University, Antwerp, Belgium, p.295 (2020) Keywords: COSTS Data collection face-to-face health interview survey measurements ...

COVID-19| Surveillance des eaux usées, Sciensano press release, 5 October 2020

Abstract: Depuis le 15 septembre, sous l’impulsion de Sciensano, un nouvel outil de surveillance du coronavirus à l’échelle nationale a vu le jour. Cet outil vise à suivre la circulation du SARS-CoV-2 dans la ...

COVID-19| Surveillance van afvalwater, Sciensano press release, 5 October 2020

Abstract: Sinds 15 september is er op initiatief van Sciensano een nieuwe nationaal coronavirus-surveillancetool. Deze tool heeft tot doel de verspreiding van SARS-CoV-2 in de bevolking op te volgen, niet ...

Use of a Whole Genome Sequencing-based approach for Mycobacterium tuberculosis surveillance in Europe in 2017-2019: an ECDC pilot study.

and Eastern EU.This pilot study shows that a WGS-based surveillance system is not only feasible but can efficiently elucidate the dynamics of in-country and cross-border RR / MDR- TB transmission across ...

Infoblad meningokokkeninfecties 2020 (T1)

Publication Type: Non-peer reviewed scientific publication Authors: Wesley Mattheus Source: None, Sciensano, Brussels (2020) Keywords: Meningococcal Infections Health Topics:  Health and disease ...

The Belgian health examination survey: objectives, design and methods.

Hermans; Jean Tafforeau; Johan Van der Heyden Source: Arch Public Health, Volume 78 (2020) Abstract: Background: In 2018 the first Belgian Health Examination Survey (BELHES) took place. The target group ...

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