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Search results - 2 results
ARIA 2016: Care pathways implementing emerging technologies for predictive medicine in rhinitis and asthma across the life cycle.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Bousquet, J; Hellings, P W; Agache, I; Bedbrook, A; Bachert, C; Bergmann, K C; Bewick, M; Bindslev-Jensen, C; Bosnic-Anticevitch, S; ...
MACVIA-ARIA Sentinel NetworK for allergic rhinitis (MASK-rhinitis): the new generation guideline implementation.
Passalacqua, G; Ryan, D; Valovirta, E; Yorgancioglu, A; Aberer, W; Agache, I; Adachi, M; Akdis, C A; Akdis, M; Annesi-Maesano, I; Ansotegui, I J; Anto, J M; Arnavielhe, S; Arshad, H; Baiardini, I; Baigenzhin, ...