Search results - 782 results

Use of a Whole Genome Sequencing-based approach for Mycobacterium tuberculosis surveillance in Europe in 2017-2019: an ECDC pilot study.

disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen Service:  Maladies bactériennes Bacteriële ziekten Bacterial diseases Manuscript versions:  DOI:  ...

Infoblad meningokokkeninfecties 2020 (T1)

monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen Service:  Maladies bactériennes Bacteriële ziekten Bacterial diseases Manuscript versions:  File:  Version:  Published ...

The burden of legionnaires' disease in Belgium, 2013 to 2017.

Mahieu; Piérard, D; Charlotte Michel; Stéphanie Jacquinet Source: Arch Public Health, Volume 78 (2020) Abstract: Background: Legionnaires’ disease (LD) is a severe bacterial infection causing pneumonia. ...

Development of a genoserotyping system for the identification of Salmonella serotypes

en –veiligheid Service:  Maladies bactériennes Bacteriële ziekten Bacterial diseases Activités transversales en génomique appliquée Transversale activiteiten in toegepaste genomica Transversal ...

Phylogeography of Human and Animal Strains: Genetic Fingerprinting of Q Fever in Belgium.

Devriendt, Bert; Cox, Eric; Marcella Mori Source: Front Cell Infect Microbiol, Volume 10 (2021) Keywords: Animals Belgium Cattle Cattle Diseases Coxiella burnetii DNA Fingerprinting Europe Goat Diseases Goats ...

Detection of toxins involved in foodborne diseases caused by Gram‐positive bacteria

Tsilla; Benedikt Sas; Annemieke Madder; S. De Saeger; Uyttendaele, Mieke Source: Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, Volume 19, Issue 4 (2020) Abstract: Bacterial toxins are food safety ...

Laboratory Diagnosis of Bovine Abortions Caused by Non-Maintenance Pathogenic Leptospira spp.: Necropsy, Serology and Molecular Study Out of a Belgian Experience.

Source: Pathogens, Volume 9, Issue 6 (2020) Abstract: Bovine leptospirosis is a bacterial zoonotic disease caused by pathogenic spp. The pathology and epidemiology of this infection are influenced by the ...

Assessment of IgA anti-PT and IgG anti-ACT reflex testing to improve Bordetella pertussis serodiagnosis in recently vaccinated subjects.

Volume 26, Issue 5 (2020) Keywords: ADOLESCENT Adult Age factors Aged Aged, 80 and over Antibodies, Bacterial Antigens, Bacterial Bordetella pertussis Child Female Humans Immunoglobulin A Immunoglobulin ...

Phytochemical screening, antioxidant, anticoagulant and in vitro toxic and genotoxic properties of aerial parts extracts of Fumaria officinalis L. growing in Tunisia

the bacterial Vitotox test. This was confirmed in the comet assay which was conducted on human C3A cells, except for the methanolic extract where DNA damage appeared to be significantly increased at ...

The burden of legionnaires’ disease in Belgium, 2013 to 2017

Legionnaires' Disease Abstract: Background Legionnaires’ disease (LD) is a severe bacterial infection causing pneumonia. Surveillance commonly underestimates the true incidence as not all cases are laboratory ...

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