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Search results - 292 results

Global estimates of incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in 2020: a baseline analysis of the WHO Global Cervical Cancer Elimination Initiative.

GLOBOCAN 2020 database to estimate the age-specific and age-standardised incidence and mortality rates of cervical cancer per 100 000 women-years for 185 countries or territories aggregated across the 20 ...

RE-PLACE: an ambitious project collecting the available expertise on New Approach Methodologies in Belgium in one central database

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Mieke Van Mulders; Maude Everaert; Birgit Mertens; Vera Rogiers Source: VLARIP workshop: Dossier en stof evaluaties – Gebruik & impact alternatieve testmethodes, Essenscia, Issue ...

The global burden of neglected zoonotic diseases: Current state of evidence

international repositories for national prioritization exercises. A systematic review of global and national burden of disease (BoD) studies was conducted using pre-selected databases. Data on diseases, location ...

Burden of infectious disease studies in Europe and the United Kingdom: a review of methodological design choices

databases and grey literature were searched for articles reporting the assessment of DALY and its components. We considered studies in which researchers performed DALY calculations using primary ...

The RE-Place project

of the 21st century", Sciensano, Issue Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium (2022) Keywords: 3Rs alternatives to animal testing Knowledge sharing NAMs new approach methodologies open access database ...

The RE-Place open access database provides insight into the use of New Approach Methodologies in Belgium

Belgium (2022) Keywords: 3Rs animal testing Knowledge sharing NAMs new approach methodologies open access database RE-Place replacement Service:  Évaluation des risques et de l'impact sur la santé ...

How to increase the visibility of expertise on New Approach Methodologies in Belgium

BSTE, Issue BSTE, Antwerp (2022) Keywords: 3R animal testing Knowledge sharing NAMs new approach methodologies open access database RE-Place replacement Service:  Évaluation des risques et de ...

The cost of healthy versus current diets in the Netherlands for households with a low, middle and high education.

a low, medium and high education and linked to a local food price database. The average cost of current household diets was €211/fortnight (SD 8.9) and the healthy household diet was on average €50 (24%) ...

Methodological choices in brucellosis burden of disease assessments: A systematic review

A systematic search for brucellosis burden of disease calculations was conducted in pre-selected international and grey literature databases. Using a standardized reporting framework, we evaluated each estimate ...

Evaluation of a Liquid Media MALDI-TOF MS Protocol for the Identification of Dermatophytes Isolated from Infections.

and accurate identification capability, relatively low cost, and easy integration into the laboratory routine. Its accuracy heavily depends on the quality of the reference spectra database ...

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