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Search results - 64 results
A proteomics approach for the quantification of Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins a and b in several matrices using uplc-msms analysis.
attributed to mixed or buffet meals (28.9%), followed by cheese (18.4%). This indicates that milk, milk derived products and ready-to-eat (RTI) foods require attention in detecting and quantifying SE s. We ...
Follow-up of the Bacillus cereus emetic toxin production in penne pasta under household conditions using liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Laurence Delbrassinne; Mirjana Andjelkovic; Rajkovic, Andreja; N Botteldoorn; Mahillon, Jacques; Joris Van Loco Source: Food Microbiol, Volume 28, Issue 5, p.1105-9 (2011) Keywords: Bacillus cere ...
Dietary intake of hexabromocyclododecane diastereoisomers (α-, β-, and γ-HBCD) in the Belgian adult population.
Belgian population was 0.99 ng kg(-1)bw d(-1). The diastereoisomer contribution to the mean EDI showed a predominance of γ- HBCD at 67%, followed by α- HBCD at 25% and 8% for β- HBCD. These results are ...
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in herbs and related foodstuffs (PASHERBS)
food supplements. The sample preparation protocols were comprised of an acidic solid-liquid extraction of the analytes followed by SPE clean-up to avoid loss of sensitivity due to matrix effect. Several ...
Food contamination with pyrrolizidine alkaloids: the expected and the unexpected
infusions, and food supplements. The sample preparation protocols were comprised of an acidic solid-liquid extraction of the analytes followed by SPE clean-up to avoid loss of sensitivity due to matrix effect. ...
UHPLC-MS/MS methods for the quantification of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in a wide range of food matrices and exposure assessment for the Belgian population
and food supplements. The sample preparation protocols were comprised of an acidic solid-liquid extraction of the analytes followed by SPE clean-up to avoid loss of sensitivity due to matrix effect. ...
How safe are your infusions? Analysis of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in plant based products using UHPLC-MS/MS & highlighting of their transfer rate during brewing.
salads, spices, (herbal) teas and food supplements) involved organic acidic extraction of the analytes followed by Envi-Carb SPE purification to avoid loss of sensitivity due to matrix effect. On the other ...
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids, follow-up on the PASFOOD project
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: J.F. Picron Source: AFSCA Workshop, Tervuren- Belgium (2016) Keywords: Belgium food method development Pyrrolizidine alkaloids Health Topics: Food consumption and food safety Consom ...
Investigation of the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons contamination in spices and dried herbs available on the Belgian market
836/2011). Before extraction, 4 isotopic labelled internal standards are spiked. Then samples are extracted with a mixture of acetone/dichloromethane, followed by a purification based on solid phase ...
Objective understanding of the Nutri-score front-of-pack label by European consumers and its effect on food choices: an online experimental study.
participants, conducted overall and by country. FINDINGS: Compared with the Reference Intakes, the Nutri-Score (OR = 3. 23[2.75-3.81]; p < 0.0001), followed by the Multiple Traffic Lights (OR = 1. ...