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Search results - 485 results

Healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use in Belgian nursing homes: results of three point prevalence surveys between 2010 and 2016

Topics:  Bloodstream infections Bloedstroominfecties Infections du sang Ziekenhuisinfectie Hospital-acquired infections Service:  Information sanitaire Gezondheidsinformatie Health information Infections ...

Health care costs and lost productivity costs related to excess weight in Belgium

Health care costs were also analysed by type of cost (i.e. ambulatory, hospital, reimbursed medication). The cost attributable to excess weight and the contribution of various other chronic conditions to ...

Association between temperature and natural mortality in Belgium: Effect modification by individual characteristics and residential environment

higher risk for cold, and people with psychoses for heat. In addition, people with long or frequent hospital admissions in the year preceding death were at lower risk. Despite large uncertainties, there ...

Non-specific symptoms and post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome in patients with Lyme borreliosis: a prospective cohort study in Belgium (2016–2020)

Bénédicte Dubois; Rene Westhovens; Humtick Hospital Group; Jean-Baptiste Giot; Philippe Léonard; Riet Vangheluwe; Grégoire Wieërs; Jean-Christophe Marot; Frédéric Evrard; Bénédicte Delaere; Séverine ...

Lyme borreliosis in Belgium: a cost-of-illness analysis

followed up 6 to 12 months after diagnosis. Hospitalization costs were retrieved from the Minimal Clinical Data registry, a mandatory registry for all Belgian hospitals, linked to the Minimal Financial Data ...

Changes in anticancer treatment plans in patients with solid cancer hospitalized with COVID-19: analysis of the nationwide BSMO-COVID registry providing lessons for the future

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: T. Geukens; M. Brandão; A. Laenen; J. Collignon; C. Van Marcke; I. Louviaux; W. Demey; S. Van Wambeke; D. Schrijvers; S. Lecomte; J. Mebis; A. Rutten; C. Fontaine; W. Lybaert; S. Aspeslagh; J.-C. ...

Pharmacokinetics of Oral Rebaudioside A in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Its Effects on Glucose Homeostasis: A Placebo-Controlled Crossover Trial

metformin or no therapy at the University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium. Following oral rebaudioside A (3 g), plasma concentrations of rebaudioside A, steviol and steviol glucuronide were determined. The effect ...

What the curtains do not shield: A phenomenological exploration of patient‐witnessed resuscitation in hospital. Part 2: Healthcare professionals' experiences

8 (2022) Keywords: cardiac arrest cardiopulmonary resuscitation Emergency Treatment Health Personnel hospitals Interviews Nurses patients Qualitative Research resuscitation Manuscript versions:  DOI:  ...

Effect of COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign in Belgian Nursing Homes on COVID-19 Cases, Hospital Admissions, and Deaths among Residents

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Sara Dequeker; Milena Callies; Catharina Vernemmen; Katrien Latour; Laura Int Panis; Romain Mahieu; Lennert Noppe; Muhammet Savsin; Els Duysburgh Source: Viruses, Volume 14, Issue 7 (2022) Health ...

What the curtains do not shield: A phenomenological exploration of patient‐witnessed resuscitation in hospital. Part 1: patients' experiences

7 (2022) Keywords: cardiac arrest cardiopulmonary resuscitation Emergency Treatment hospitals Interviews nursing patients Qualitative Research resuscitation Manuscript versions:  DOI:  ...

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