Search results - 312 results

The health and economic burden of musculoskeletal disorders in Belgium from 2013 to 2018

Information sanitaire Gezondheidsinformatie Health information Évaluation des risques et de l'impact sur la santé Risico- en gezondheidsimpactevaluatie Risk and health impact assessment Manuscript ...

Transitions to food democracy through multilevel governance

Sustainable Food Systems, Volume 6 (2022) Health Topics:  Food consumption and food safety Consommation et sécurité alimentaires Voedselconsumptie en –veiligheid Service:  Information sanitaire ...

Integration of various dimensions in food-based dietary guidelines via mathematical approaches: report of a DGE/FENS Workshop in Bonn, Germany, 23–24 September 2019Abstract

further improvements. Health Topics:  Burden of disease Fardeau de la maladie Ziektelast Food consumption and food safety Consommation et sécurité alimentaires Voedselconsumptie en –veiligheid Service:  Information ...

Scoping review of the association between bacterial vaginosis and emotional, sexual and social health

this association. Health Topics:  Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Infection sexuellement transmissible (IST) Seksueel overdraagbare infectie (SOI) Service:  Information sanitaire Gezondheidsinformatie Health ...

Using random-forest multiple imputation to address bias of self-reported anthropometric measures, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia in the Belgian health interview survey

BACKGROUND: In many countries, the prevalence of non-communicable diseases risk factors is commonly assessed through self-reported information from health interview surveys. It has been shown, however, that ...

Challenges in Drug Surveillance: Strengthening the Analysis of New Psychoactive Substances by Harmonizing Drug Checking Services in Proficiency Testing.

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Drug checking is a proven harm reduction strategy and provides real-time information on the market of new psychoactive substances (NPS). It combines chemical analysis of samples with ...

The increasing significance of disease severity in a burden of disease framework

Ziektelast Service:  Information sanitaire Gezondheidsinformatie Health information Manuscript versions:  DOI: File:  Version:  Published Full text access:  Public ...

An EU task force to assess the burden of rare diseases

disease Fardeau de la maladie Ziektelast Rare diseases Maladies rares Zeldzame ziekten Service:  Information sanitaire Gezondheidsinformatie Health information Manuscript versions:  DOI:  ...

Clinical characteristics and management of neurocysticercosis patients: a retrospective assessment of case reports from Europe.

clinical and radiological information on each case, if available. RESULTS: Out of 293 identified NCC cases, 59% of patients presented initially with epileptic seizures (21% focal onset); 52% presented with ...

Burden of disease among older adults in Europe-trends in mortality and disability, 1990-2019

maladie Ziektelast Chronic disease Maladie chronique Chronische ziekte Service:  Information sanitaire Gezondheidsinformatie Health information Manuscript versions:  DOI:  ...

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