Search results - 55 results
External quality evalution in clinical biology: in vitro allergy testing. Survey 2010-3
Clinical EQA external IgE Quality survey TESTING Service: Quality of laboratories Kwaliteit van laboratoria Qualité des laboratoires ...
External quality evalution in clinical biology: in vitro allergy testing. Survey 2010-2
Clinical EQA external IgE Quality survey TESTING Service: Quality of laboratories Kwaliteit van laboratoria Qualité des laboratoires ...
External quality evalution in clinical biology: in vitro allergy testing. Survey 2010-1
Clinical EQA external IgE Quality survey TESTING Service: Quality of laboratories Kwaliteit van laboratoria Qualité des laboratoires ...
External quality evalution in clinical biology: in vitro allergy testing. Survey 2009-4
Clinical EQA external IgE Quality survey TESTING Service: Quality of laboratories Kwaliteit van laboratoria Qualité des laboratoires ...
External quality evalution in clinical biology: in vitro allergy testing. Survey 2009-2
Clinical EQA external IgE Quality survey TESTING Service: Quality of laboratories Kwaliteit van laboratoria Qualité des laboratoires ...
External quality evalution in clinical biology: in vitro allergy testing. Survey 2009-1
Clinical EQA external IgE Quality survey TESTING Service: Quality of laboratories Kwaliteit van laboratoria Qualité des laboratoires ...
Chronic intranasal administration of mould spores or extracts to unsensitized mice leads to lung allergic inflammation, hyper-reactivity and remodelling.
Cladosporium herbarum, were potent inducers of immunoglobulin E (IgE) production. Moreover, mice sensitized by two intraperitoneal injections before intranasal challenge with A. alternata or C. herbarum spores ...
Profibrotic effect of IL-9 overexpression in a model of airway remodeling.
abundant in the lung of Tg5. High serum levels of IgE and IgG1 in both strains indicated that FVB and Tg5 developed a strong type 2 immune response. The concentration of the eosinophil chemoattractant RANTES ...
In vitro determination of allergen-specific serum IgE. Comparative analysis of three methods118
(2007) Keywords: 0 Allergens analysi analysis Arachis hypogaea Bee Venoms blood Blood Chemical Analysis Comparative Study e Humans IgE im Immunoglobulin Immunoglobulin E IS Latex method methods Print SB- ...
A new mouse model of lung allergy induced by the spores of Alternaria alternata and Cladosporium herbarum molds.
IgG1 antibodies and strongly increase IgE serum levels. To induce the allergic response, mice were sensitized by two intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections and then intranasaly (i.n.) challenged with A. ...