Search results - 1154 results

The evolving personal, professional and physical impact on healthcare professionals during three COVID-19 waves: A cross-sectional study

strain’ are the most worrying reactions in September 2021, which are increasing compared to the previous measurements. Conclusion Our results showed that acute stress reactions decreased over time but that ...

Mental Distress and Its Contributing Factors Among Young People During the First Wave of COVID-19: A Belgian Survey Study

distress were female gender (OR = 1.78), low social support (OR = 2.17), loneliness (OR = 5.17), a small (OR = 1.63), or large (OR = 3.08) increase in social media use, a small (OR = 1.63) or large (OR ...

Targeted Chromosomal Barcoding Establishes Direct Genotype-Phenotype Associations for Antibiotic Resistance in Mycobacterium abscessus.

analysis performed in independent M. abscessus strains and by independent researchers. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) threatens the effective prevention and treatment of an ever-increasing range of ...

The PARERE network in Belgium: increasing awareness on NAMs among regulators

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Birgit Mertens Source: Proefdieren en alternatieven: de weg vooruit / Animaux et alternatives: la voie à suivre, Leefmilieu Brussel/Bruxelles Environnement, Issue Leefmilieu Brussel/ ...

Implementation of MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry to Identify Fungi From the Indoor Environment as an Added Value to the Classical Morphology-Based Identification Tool

<2.0), and 12 isolates (8%) could not be identified. Conclusion: A comparison of results obtained with both methods indicates an increased precision in identifications with MALDI- TOF MS analysis for 92% ...

Development of a Droplet Digital PCR to Monitor SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant BA.2 in Wastewater Samples

Brussels-Capital Region in the winter and spring of 2022. This emergence and proportional increase in BA.2 genomes correspond to what was observed in the surveillance using respiratory samples; however, the ...

Challenges in Drug Surveillance: Strengthening the Analysis of New Psychoactive Substances by Harmonizing Drug Checking Services in Proficiency Testing.

direct engagement with people who use drugs (PWUD), giving the ability to increase preparedness and responsiveness towards NPS. Next to that, it supports rapid identification of potential unwitting ...

The increasing significance of disease severity in a burden of disease framework

severity and health outcomes. This places increased importance on attempts to be able to differentiate by both the occurrence and severity of disease. Health Topics:  Burden of disease Fardeau de la maladie ...

Effects of long-term exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields on cell viability, genetic damage, and sensitivity to mutagen-induced damage.

flux densities could significantly increase TK6 cell viability. In contrast, long-term MF exposure did not affect cell genetic damage, and long-term pre-exposure to MF did not change cell sensitivity to ...

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