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The role of food handlers in food-borne outbreaks
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Sarah Denayer; N Botteldoorn; Marie Polet; Katelijne Dierick Source: workshop FAVV-AFSCA, WIV-ISP, Issue Scientific Institute ...
Nationaal referentielaboratorium voedseltoxi-infecties, antimicrobiële resistentie voan zoönotische kiemen levensmiddelenmicrobiologie en tweekleppige weekdieren, jaarverslag 2010
Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: N Botteldoorn; Katelijne Dierick; Sarah Denayer; Marie Polet; Wesley Mattheus Source: WIV-ISP, Brussels, ...
Clinical outcomes of health-care-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance in patients admitted to European intensive-care units: a cohort study.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Marie-Laurence Lambert; Suetens, Carl; Savey, Anne; Palomar, Mercedes; Hiesmayr, Michael; Morales, Ingrid; Agodi, Antonella; Frank, Uwe; ...
Gender gaps in life expectancy and expected years with activity limitations at age 50 in the European Union: associations with macro-level structural indicators.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Herman Van Oyen; Cox, Bianca; Jagger, Carol; Cambois, Emmanuelle; Nusselder, Wilma; Gilles, Clare; Robine, Jean-Marie Source: Eur ...
Rapport annuel du GMOLAB concernant les dossiers de validation pour la quantification des organismes génétiquement modifiés- 01/09/09 au 31/08/10 (2009-2010)
Myriam Sneyers; Sciacqua,M.; Anne-Marie Vanherle Source: WIV-ISP, Brussels, Belgium, p.41 (2010) ISBN: D/2010/2505/50 Keywords: de GMO quantification GMOlab LE qPCR Quantification rapport rapport annuel ...
Rapport annuel du GMOLAB concernant les dossiers de validation pour l'identification des organismes génétiquement modifiés- 01/09/09 au 31/08/10 (2009-2010)
Myriam Sneyers; Sciacqua,M.; Anne-Marie Vanherle Source: WIV-ISP; PBB, Brussels, Belgium, p.15 (2010) ISBN: D/2010/2505/51 Keywords: annual report de GMO detection GMOlab LE qPCR rapport rapport annuel ...
Clostridium difficile-infecties in de Belgische ziekenhuizen: vergelijking tussen niet-zorggerelateerde en zorggerelateerde gevallen, geregistreerd tijdens de nationale surveillance (juli 2006-december 2009)
Publication Type: Non-peer reviewed scientific publication Authors: Viseur,N.; Marie-Laurence Lambert Source: Noso-Info, UCL, Volume 14, Issue 4, Number 10, Brussel (2010) Keywords: Clostridium ...
Infections à Clostridium difficile dans les hôpitaux belges: comparaison des cas non liés aux soins vs liés aux soins, enregistrés dans le cadre de la surveillance nationale (juillet 2006-décembre 2009)
Publication Type: Non-peer reviewed scientific publication Authors: Viseur,N.; Marie-Laurence Lambert Source: Noso-Info, UCL, Volume 14, Issue 4, Number 10, Bruxelles (2010) Keywords: Clostridium ...
Trends in mortality and morbidity related to Clostridium difficile infections, Belgium 1998-2007
Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Gutierrez,I.; Marie-Laurence Lambert Source: WIV-ISP, Brussels, p.22 (2010) Accession Number: D/2010/2505/18 ...
Influenza A strain-dependent pathogenesis in fatal H1N1 and H5N1 subtype infections of mice.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Garigliany, Mutien Marie; Habyarimana, Adélite; Bénédicte Lambrecht; Van de Paar, Els; Cornet, Anne; Thierry van den Berg; Desmecht, ...