Search results - 32 results

Residential green space and seasonal distress in a cohort of tree pollen allergy patients

Emotional distress GHQ-12 Mental health Residential green space Respiratory Hypersensitivity Tree pollen allergy Abstract: Background Residential green space may improve human health, for example by promoting ...

Spatio-Temporal Monitoring and Modelling of Birch Pollen in Belgium

temperature degree days approach. Health Topics:  Pollen allergy Stuifmeelallergie Allergie au pollen Service:  Mycologie et aérobiologie Mycologie en aerobiologie Mycology and aerobiology Manuscript versions:  ...

Temperature-related changes in airborne allergenic pollen abundance and seasonality across the northern hemisphere: a retrospective data analysis

health—one that could be exacerbated as temperatures continue to increase. Health Topics:  Pollen (allergie) Rhume des foins Rhinite allergique saisonnière Hay fever Hooikoorts Seasonal allergic rhinitis ...

Thirty-four years of pollen monitoring: an evaluation of the temporal variation of pollen seasons in Belgium

a temporal shift of the grass pollen season, beginning and ending earlier, together with an advance of the annual peak date. Health Topics:  Pollen (allergie) Rhinite allergique saisonnière Seasonal allergic ...

Comparative long-term trend analysis of daily weather conditions with daily pollen concentrations in Brussels, Belgium.

Hendrickx Source: Int J Biometeorol, Volume 62, Issue 3, Number 491 (2018) Keywords: Allergy Climate change Meteorological factors pollen Abstract: A clear rise in seasonal and annual temperatures, a gradual ...

The Belgian aerobiological surveillance network. Overview of the airborne pollen and fungal spores monitoring in 2015

klinische immunologie, Issue UZLeuven (2016) Keywords: Airborne Allergie Belgian Monitoring Network pollen Surveillance Service:  Mycology and aerobiology Mycologie et aérobiologie Mycologie en aerobiologie ...

Short-term effect of pollen and spore exposure on allergy morbidity in the Brussels-Capital Region.

Nieuwenhuyse Source: Ecohealth, Volume 13, Issue 2, p.303-15 (2016) Keywords: Allergic rhinitis ecology Fungal spore Medication pollen public health Abstract: Belgium is among the European countries that are the ...

MACVIA-ARIA Sentinel NetworK for allergic rhinitis (MASK-rhinitis): the new generation guideline implementation.

L; Zhong, N; Zidarn, M; Mercier, J Source: Allergy, Volume 70, Issue 11, p.1372-92 (2015) Keywords: Allergens Biomarkers Clinical Decision-Making Clinical Trials as Topic comorbidity Disease Management ...

Analysis of the short-term effect of pollen and spore exposure on allergy medication sales

Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, ISEE, São Paulo, Brazil (2015) Keywords: allergy medication exposure pollen sales spores Abstract: Allergic rhinitis takes a heavy toll ...

A method to derive vegetation distribution maps for pollen dispersion models using birch as an example34036

future Gases global im Improvement index Inventory IS IT journal KNOWLEDGE land M map mapping method MODEL models Models,Theoretical need Order plant Plant Dispersal pollen present region Research SB- IM ...

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