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Search results - 185 results

Belgian national report on drugs 2014. New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues.,

L. Casero Source: wiv-isp, Brussels, p.198 (2015) Accession Number: D/2014/2505/66 Keywords: demand harm reduction illicit substances prveention supply treatment use Health Topics:  Illicit drugs ...

MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry: revolutionising clinical laboratory diagnosis of mould infections

implementation Improvement Increase INFECTION infections IS journal Laboratories LEVEL MALDI-TOF MALDI-TOF MS Mass Mass Spectrometry Morphology MS Mycology ON parasitology Patient period Prognosis Reduction result ...

A cluster randomized non-inferiority field trial on the immunogenicity and safety of tetanus toxoid vaccine kept in controlled temperature chain compared to cold chain234

Ratio Reduction Requirements result results SAFETY situation stability STANDARD Strategies Strategy study Switzerland Temperature Tetanus USA Vaccination vaccine WOMEN world World Health World Health ...

Phage and MLVA typing of Salmonella enteritidis isolated from layers and humans in Belgium from 2000-2010, a period in which vaccination of laying hens was introduced.

in layers and humans before 2007, a significant reduction of those PT s was observed in both populations in the period 2007-2010. The relative proportion of PT4 b, PT21 c and PT6 c was found to have ...

In vitro surrogate models to aid in the development of antivirals for the containment of foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks.

(CPE). Madin-Darby bovine kidney cells on the other hand supported viral replication in the absence of CPE. Antiviral tests were developed for ERAV in Vero A cells employing a viral RNA-reduction assay and ...

Characterization of suspected illegal skin whitening cosmetics.

décolleté for local depigmentation of hyper pigmented regions or more importantly, for a generalized reduction of the skin tone. These cosmetic products are suspected to contain illegal active substances that ...

Effect of a DIVA vaccine with and without in-feed use of coated calcium-butyrate on transmission of Salmonella Typhimurium in pigs.

vaccinated pigs. CONCLUSIONS: Both interventions showed a limited, non-significant reduction of Salmonella transmission between piglets. They may have applications towards Salmonella control and surveillance. ...

A novel approach to the reduction of false positive and negative identifications in screening of pesticide residues in food analysis

residues Reduction Residue SCREENING Health Topics:  Food consumption and food safety Consommation et sécurité alimentaires Voedselconsumptie en –veiligheid Service:  Éléments traces et nanomatériaux ...

Mind the gap-reaching the European target of a 2-year increase in healthy life years in the next decade

Institute IS LE Life Life expectancy linear regression MEN method methods MODEL models ON Projection projections publication Ratio Reduction regression Regression model Research result results SCENARIO ...

Association of environmental traits with the geographic ranges of ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) of medical and veterinary importance in the western Palearctic. A digital data set.

sensed temperature and NDVI data. A descriptive analysis of the data revealed that a principal components reduction of the environmental (temperature and NDVI) variables described the distribution of the ...

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