Search results - 25 results

The microtubule-associated protein doublecortin is broadly expressed in the telencephalon of adult canaries.

parallel with the major decrease or cessation of neurogenesis. In several seasonally breeding songbird species such as canaries, the volume of several song control nuclei in the brain varies seasonally such ...

Social context affects testosterone-induced singing and the volume of song control nuclei in male canaries (Serinus canaria).

seasonal plasticity in singing behavior and forebrain nuclei controlling song, and their interplay with gonadal steroid hormones are still poorly understood. In many songbird species, testosterone (T) ...

Characterisation of chicken monocytes, macrophages and interdigitating cells by the monoclonal antibody KUL01.

Animals Antibodies, Monoclonal Antibody Specificity Chick Embryo Chickens Dendritic Cells Female Flow Cytometry immunohistochemistry Macrophages Mammals Monocytes Species Specificity Tissue Distribution ...

Knelpunten in aquacultuur: enkele risicovolle aspecten van de vroege levensstadia van de vis.

and can be avoided by a clear understanding of the development of the gastrointestinal system of the various fish species. Parameters, such as enterocyte height, the presence of enterocytic supranuclear ...

Comparative Analysis of Different Serological and Molecular Tests for the Detection of Small Ruminant Lentiviruses (SRLVs) in Belgian Sheep and Goats.

assays (ELISA s) (Elitest and ID screen kits) showed the highest sensitivities (>96%) and specificities (>95%) in both species, and their combined use allowed to correctly identify the infection ...

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