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Search results - 432 results

Next-generation sequencing as a tool for the molecular characterisation and risk assessment of genetically modified plants: Added value or not?

of GMO as food or feed, applications for Genetically Modified Plants (GMP) typically contain data for the molecular characterisation at the nucleic acid level based on Southern blot and polymerase ...

European risk assessor perspective on the quality of in vivo bioassays

food and feed, in the European Union (EU) the evaluation of risk/safety assessment of applications for cultivation of GM plants is carried out by a member state of the EU on mandate of the European Food ...

Simultaneous surface display and cargo loading of encapsulin nanocompartments and their use for rational vaccine design.

Bettina Source: Vaccine, Volume 36, Issue 25 (2018) Abstract: In the past decades protein nanoparticles have successfully been used for vaccine applications. Their particulate nature and dense repetitive ...

Directive Pratique pour la mise en place d’un système qualité dans les laboratoires d’anatomie pathologique agréés dans le cadre de l’Arrêté d’agrément

doit implémenter son propre système qualité basé sur l’Arrêté d’agrément, dans lequel tous les chapitres de la Directive Pratique ne doivent pas nécessairement être d’application. Chaque laboratoire peut ...

Perspectives on the integration of Immuno-Oncology Biomarkers and drugs in a Health Care setting.

important component in cancer care with the most application now in melanoma and lung cancer patients. Some drawbacks that converge with this new evolution are the rather low response rates to these drugs and ...

Development of a generic and open source Incidence-Prevalence-Mortality model for the assessment of chronic disease epidemiology

package was made for applications on chronic diseases. The compartmental model used was taken from previous iterations of a software called DisMod. This model gives the logical relationship between di erent ...

Batch release of vaccines in Europe: from method transfer to first commercial batch available on the market. Straightforward approach that requires a proactive mindset of the manufacturer.

obligatory, it is the company’s responsibility to choose an OMCL belonging to the OMCL network. This choice, which is free, should be made before filing of the MA application. The initial process involves the ...

Simultaneous determination of parabens, bisphenols and alkylphenols in human placenta by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry

of 0.1–0.3 ng g−1 and 0.2–0.7 ng g−1, respectively. The applicability of the method was demonstrated on 71 human placenta samples from a Belgian cohort. The detection frequency was highest for OP ...

Evaluation of the health risks related to the presence of cyanogenic glycosides in foods other than raw apricot kernels

apricot kernels in which an acute reference dose (AR fD) of 20 μg/kg body weight (bw) was established for cyanide (CN). In the present opinion, the CONTAM Panel concluded that this AR fD is applicable for ...

Demo: identification and measurement of nano-sized particles in a food products using a remote controlled analytical TEM (Talos, Thermo Fisher Scientific)

TEM-specimen preparation and in the application of the ParticleSizer software for the analysis of TEM  images. The analytical capacities of state-of-the-art methodologies to implement guidance and legislation ...

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