Search results - 782 results
BSFM 2023- L. monocytogenes in Plant-Based Foods: insights from of a recent foodborne outbreak linked to vegan alternative to cheese
Consommation et sécurité alimentaires Voedselconsumptie en –veiligheid Service: Pathogènes alimentaires Voedselpathogenen Foodborne pathogens Maladies bactériennes Bacteriële ziekten Bacterial diseases Full ...
EFSA Project on the use of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) for the hazard assessment of nanofibres. Lot 1, nanocellulose oral exposure: gastrointestinal digestion, nanofibres uptake and local effects
of NC exist, i.e. bacterial NC (BNC), nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC), and cellulose nanocrystals (CNC). The biological sources and processing conditions affect several physicochemical parameters of ...
Microbial quality analysis of falsified medicines seized by controling agencies
bachelor’s degree thesis, I present the results obtained for the bacterial and fungal contamination preset in illicit PDE-5 inhibitors, seized by Belgian authorities, by determining their bioburden. Bioburden ...
Pyrogen testing of phage therapeutic products
these last years, with treatments provided to more than 100 patients, against more than 10 different bacterial species. Therapeutic phage products are produced in a bacterial host strain, hence pyrogen ...
Animal sources of antimicrobial-resistant bacterial infections in humans: a systematic review
Human(s) infectious disease Risk Assessment Source attribution Abstract: Bacterial antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is among the leading global health challenges of the century. Animals and their products are ...
Persistence of the Staphylococcus aureus epidemic European fusidic acid-resistant impetigo clone (EEFIC) in Belgium.
Volume 78, Issue 8 (2023) Keywords: Anti-Bacterial Agents Belgium Clone Cells Drug Resistance, Bacterial Fusidic Acid Humans Impetigo Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Multilocus Sequence Typing ...
Validation of an animal-free analytical method for the detection of bacterial endotoxins in human vaccines
“Official Control Authority Batch Release” (OCABR) guidelines, is entitled to check the concentration of endotoxin in bacterial vaccines. The limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) and the recombinant factor C (rFC) ...
Determination of vaccine bacterial endotoxins content by the rFC method
endotoxin in bacterial vaccines. The limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) and the recombinant factor C (rFC) assays are suitable for all vaccines tested. The rFC method has been implemented at Sciensano for batch ...
A global genomic analysis of Salmonella Concord reveals lineages with high antimicrobial resistance in Ethiopia.
Nat Commun, Volume 14, Issue 1 (2023) Keywords: Anti-Bacterial Agents Drug Resistance, Bacterial Ethiopia Genomics Humans Salmonella Abstract: Antimicrobial resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Concord ...
Development of a multiplex-based immunoassay for the characterization of diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis antigens in human combined DTaP vaccines.
Thierry; Hoebreck, Charline; Stickings, Paul; Alexandre Dobly Source: J Immunol Methods, Volume 517 (2023) Keywords: Animals Antibodies, Bacterial Antigens Diphtheria Diphtheria-Tetanus-acellular Pertussis ...