Search results - 366 results

Educational differentials in disability vary across and within welfare regimes: a comparison of 26 European countries in 2009.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Cambois, Emmanuelle; Solé-Auró, Aïda; Brønnum-Hansen, Henrik; Egidi, Viviana; Jagger, Carol; Jeune, Bernard; Nusselder, Wilma J; Herman Van Oyen; White, Chris; Robine, Jean-Marie Source: J Epidem ...

Data analysis associated with the use of whole genome sequencing for subtyping of pathogenic microorganisms, Salmonella Typhimurium as a case study

Bioinformatics in Life Sciences, NA, Issue VIB, NA (2016) Keywords: a an analysi analysis application approach approaches AS at bioinformatics Case case studies Case study case-study Comparison continue Cost data ...

Triage of HPV positive women in cervical cancer screening.

Choice of test algorithms is based on comparison of absolute risk estimates from triage tests with established clinical thresholds. Importantly, triage tests need to be evaluated together with the primary ...

VALGENT: A protocol for clinical validation of human papillomavirus assays.

comparison and validation of HPV assays in general and HPV genotyping tests in particular according to clinically relevant outcomes and for clinical applications endorsed by scientific evidence. STUDY DESIGN: ...

Human biomonitoring of heavy metals in the vicinity of non-ferrous metal plants in Ath, Belgium.

The purpose of the current cross-sectional study was to estimate exposure of the population to heavy metals in the vicinity of the plants, in comparison with population living further away. METHODS: We ...

Resultaten van de 6e nationale campagne ter bevordering van de handhygiëne in ziekenhuizen, 2014-2015

hospitals; Table 1). A total of 136 hospitals provided data both before and after campaign, thus for comparison between before and after only data from 136 hospitals were used. A summary of the results from ...

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