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Search results - 606 results

High abundance and diversity of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli in faeces and tonsils of pigs at slaughter.

are occasionally found in the faeces and tonsils of pigs during slaughter may represent an important source of contamination of carcasses and subsequently pork. Health Topics:  Food consumption and food ...

Reference Module in Food Science: A Safety Evaluation of Printed Paper and Board Contaminants: Photo-Initiators as a Case Study

9780081005965 Keywords: contaminants dry food exposure food contact materials hazard identification in silico tools Market survey paper and board printing ink Risk Assessment toxtree TTC Abstract: Abstract ...

Plasticizers and bisphenol A, in packaged foods sold in the Tunisian markets: study of their acute in vivo toxicity and their environmental fate.

Mansour, Hedi Ben Source: Environ Sci Pollut Res Int (2017) Keywords: Acute toxicity; Biochemical analysis; Bisphenol A; Food contamination; Marine organisms; Plasticizers. Abstract: Today, processed and ...

Selection and transfer of an IncI1-tet(A) plasmid of Escherichia coli in an ex vivo model of the porcine caecum at doxycycline concentrations caused by crosscontaminated feed.

and 1 mg l(-1)), caused by cross-contamination of feed, on the enrichment of a DOX-resistant commensal Escherichia coli and its resistance plasmid in an ex vivo model of the porcine caecum. METHODS AND ...

Coatings in food contact materials: Potential source of genotoxic contaminants?

Toxicol, Volume 106, Issue Pt A, Number 505, p.496-505 (2017) Keywords: Consumer Product Safety Food Contamination Food Packaging Humans Mutagenicity Tests Mutagens Abstract: Up till now, no harmonized EU ...

Microwave effects on DNA and Proteins

Neurological disorders Predatory journals Radiofrequency fields Reprodcution Health Topics:  Non-ionising radiation Rayonnements non-ionisants Niet-ioniserende straling Service:  Contaminants organiques et ...

Dietary exposure to pyrrolizidine alkaloids in young children and adults from the Belgian population (PASFOOD)

Belgian population. Indeed, these contaminants can be transferred to food of vegetal/ animal origin and could become a potential Public Health issue. Therefore, the development of efficient analytical ...

Development and validation of a protocol for optimizing the use of paraffin blocks in molecular epidemiological studies: The example from the HPV-AHEAD study.

s in molecular epidemiology was developed and validated. First, a protocol for sectioning the FFPE was developed to prevent cross-contamination and distributed between participating centers. Before ...

Development and performance assessment of a luminex xMAP® direct hybridization assay for the detection and identification of indoor air fungal contamination.

(2017) Keywords: Air Pollution, Indoor DNA Probes environment Fungi Limit of Detection Nucleic Acid Hybridization Abstract: Considered as a public health problem, indoor fungal contamination is generally ...

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